New Flinx Story!

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Hello everyone!
I know, it's been so long... but I've got great news!
As you might have guessed by now, I'm no longer writing any more of these one shots. However, what I am writing is a new Flinx story (like, with a story line and everything *shocking*) and the link is right here: (if it doesn't work, just go to Works on my profile).

It's essentially a continuation of season 5 and a glimpse into what I would've liked Flinx to become and how I would've liked things to go.
To cut it short, in this story, Jinx goes on a self-discovery journey as an unknown force tries to take control of her. This force wants her to become a weapon to take over the world. This (quite obviously) causes conflicts with the Titans, with Kid Flash and even with his family!

At the same time, I wanted to focus on Wally as well. He's obviously portrayed as the dorky, adorable cotton ball he is, but there is a twist! I wanted him to have his inner demons as well, and you'll find out what demons I'm talking about as the story develops.

Overall, I think Flinx's development is exactly how I wanted it to be (I have a lot of chapters written already sue me), plus I believe it's pretty accurate in terms of character behavior and all those boring things that most of us writers research about before writing.

So, if you're interested, please give it a read!

I'll see you guys there! x

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