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Full of fluff. I regret nothing.



Jinx looked at her boyfriend and started to laugh uncontrollably. Seeing him dressed in that ridiculous -but hot- spandex costume was one thing. But to see him dressed as who-knows-what-Disney-princess was another completely funny and embarrassing thing.

She snapped a picture "Hey!" Wally reached to get the camera but Lian threw herself into his lap and laughed.

Jinx laughed again "I can't believe you actually agreed to dress up as a girl" she said "You look even more girly than Lian"

She chuckled again and soon was followed by the little infant dressed as Rapunzel, who was now sitting in Wally's -as known as Belle- lap.

"Still don't know why you aren't dressed up like us" Wally tried to sound harsh, but his girlfriend's chuckles made it difficult.

"Because," Jinx stated "Im making dinner, and I might ruin one of Lian's beautiful costumes, right little one?" She asked to the girl, and she nodded and clapped in response.

Wally sighed and picked her up easily, then he stood up "Want some crackers, Li?" The little infant clapped and the redhead took it as a yes.

He placed her on her high chair and handed her some biscuits before turning to Jinx, who was making some curry "When's Roy coming back?" She asked.

Wally ran a hand through his hair "Probably in an hour or so" he said, looking at Lian "He had a lot of catch up to do with Jade"

"It's such a pity that she's still in jail" Jinx said, adding some condiments to the dishes. Cheshire was one of her closest friends "I hope she leaves soon so she can come home to Lian and Roy"

Wally nodded "It must be hard to be in prison, away from your child" he looked into the distance, lost in thought.

Jinx was 2 months pregnant now, and although she wasn't showing and she nearly vomited or felt nauseous, he couldn't help but feel concerned about her.

He imagined how hard it must be for Roy and Jade. With her being locked out in prison, it was now Roy's duty to take care of their daughter, alone. He had to admit, that having Lian had changed him for the better, and he was positive she was the thing he loved the most in this universe.

Wally wondered how it felt to be a father. He'd find out in 7 months time, but he still felt insecure.

He felt relieved he managed to convert Jinx 2 years ago or else, they'd probably be in the same situation as Red Arrow and Cheshire. Or wouldn't even be together at all.

And even in that hypothetical situation, he felt a huge pain in his heart, just imagining being away from his child. Or his child being away from Jinx.

He didn't want to think about it.

"Are you alright?" Jinx's voice woke him from his daydream. She rested her head on his shoulder and he hugged his waist, out of instinct.

He had always been a touchy and cuddling person, but now that she was pregnant, he always had the urge to protect her stomach area.

"Yeah" he kissed the top of her head "Just thinking, that's all"

"About what?" She asked softly, rubbing his torso. She had a vague idea, tho.

"Our baby" he said "But it's nothing, I'm not worried about anything"

She didn't want to push it. Playing with Lian had been completely exhausting "Alright" she whispered, and leaned on his chest, closing her eyes slowly.

Lian was baby talking while eating her crackers, and Wally couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable she was. It was true that he couldn't wait to have a child of his own. He wondered how he or she might look. Redhead? Pink hair? Cat-like eyes? Super speed? Hexes?

The possibilities were infinite.

"You can go to bed if you want" he said, understanding how tired she must be. "I'll take care of Lian for the rest of the night"

When they went to the doctor's together, she had told them how exhausting pregnancy could be, even if all you did was just moving around the house.

And, indeed, Jinx had noticed herself getting tired easily and wanting nothing more than to go to bed. That's why she had stopped going on patrol.

"Yeah" she broke the embrace and kissed his cheek before planting a kiss on Lian's head too "Goodnight, sweetie"

Once Jinx left to their room, Wally took Lian on his arms and moved to the couch again "How are you, little munchkin?" He asked her, and Lian just laughed.

"You're going to have a little cousin soon, you know" he said "Do you like that idea?" Lian clapped her little baby hands and Wally laughed out loud.

"You're way too cute, Lian" he rocked her on his lap and she giggled. He wondered if she even got tired.

She was Cheshire's daughter. Probably not.

An hour later, Jinx got up from bed and went to the kitchen to get some water. When she was about to leave, she noticed her boyfriend sitting on the couch, probably sleeping.

She smiled and walked over to him. When she was in front of him, she noticed Lian on his lap, her head against his chest and snoring quietly. She had fallen asleep too.

Jinx snapped a picture.

"Wally" she whispered and pecked his cheek to wake him up "Wally, babe"

"Um..." He murmured, and Jinx thought that was the sexiest thing ever. She kissed his neck seductively.

"You fell asleep" she whispered "So did Lian"

"Oh" he yawned and ran a hand through his hair "Where the hell is Roy?" He said in a normal voice, and Jinx shushed him.

"Sorry" he whispered "Can you pass me my phone?"

Jinx did and indeed, he had a message from Roy.

'Can Lian stay the night? I'll pick her up first thing in the morning. Thanks bro, I owe you one'

Wally sighed "I guess things just got interesting with Jade" he tossed the phone on the sofa "Lian is staying the night"

"Alright, we'll put her to sleep on the guest's room" Jinx took Lian in her arms carefully and started walking towards the hall. The little girl was still snoring.

"Let me carry her" Wally said when he approached them, but Jinx shook her head.

"She's not heavy, don't worry" Wally put an arm around her waist anyway and they both walked to the room next to theirs.

Jinx placed Lian gently on the bed and covered her petite figure with a blanket. She sighed "Let's go to bed"

Wally closed the door behind her and sprinted to open the door to their room to her. Jinx smiled "I'm pregnant, not disabled"

Wally kissed the top of her head "I like taking care of you" he said.

They climbed into bed and cuddled together. Wally put a hand on Jinx's stomach and rubbed it "How was Lian?" She asked him.

"She's a really good girl" he told her "Roy is lucky she doesn't need much, she likes to play alone"

"That's good" Jinx said, and closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of his touch on her belly "I hope our baby is like that" she half-whispered.

"You have nothing to worry about" he said "We'll be fine, so will the baby"

She hugged him tighter "I know" she smiled and put her hand on Wally's.

"I can't wait to have this baby" he whispered to himself, but Jinx heard him and couldn't help but feel that her body was filling with warmth.

"You're going to be a great father" she told him, truthfully.

"And you're going to be even better than me" he said "I love you"

"I love you too, idiot"

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