Quality Time

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Quality Time

Im incredibly sorry for the delay.
I kind of ran out of ideas, anything you want to read about Flinx?

Enjoy <3


"Can you teach me how to braid?"

"Excuse me?"

Jinx was fixing some sandwiches for the twins on the kitchen, when her husband came out of nowhere and asked her for something she would've never expected from him.

"I wanna know how to braid" he took a seat next to his wife, resting his arms on the kitchen counter.

"What for?" She laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation.

"Irey asked me yesterday to braid her hair after we got back from the park, and I couldn't do it because I had no idea how to" Wally explained.

He had taken his daughter to the park a few times and he knew for sure that she always ended up with messy hair. And Irey hated that.

Jinx smiled "Of course I can teach you to braid, honey" she let out a small laugh and finished the sandwiches.

She turned around to face her husband and wrapped her arms around his neck. Wally laughed and put his arms around her still little waist, lifting her up from the floor.

She pecked his lips, and then she did it once again until Wally pressed their lips together and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

"Mommy" a small voice said from the doorway, and a second later another voice joined the last one "Moooooom"

Jinx pulled away from her husband's lips and looked at both kids who were standing on the doorway, eager as usual.

"What is it, babies?" She asked them, releasing herself from Wally's arms.

"We are hungry" Jai said, walking barefoot into the kitchen.

Wally grabbed the two sandwiches and gave one for each of his children. They started digging in a second later.

"Irey" he called his daughter, and she immediately turned her head around, her silky red hair flying everywhere.

"Yes?" She asked.

Wally wiggled his eyebrows "Daddy's gonna learn to braid" he said.

Iris smirked and ran at super speed to hug his daddy's legs, the only part of his body she could reach. He ruffled her hair "Like the idea, sweetie?" He asked.

She nodded and hugged his leg tighter, while biting on her sandwich "Youre the best daddy in the world" she smiled up at him.

Wally picked her up and hugged her tightly, kissing her pinkish cheek. He loved his little girl so, so much.



11-year-old Jai West walked into the living room, where his mom was drinking a cup of hot chocolate and watching some reality show both her and his sister liked.

"What is it, munchkin?" Jinx smiled at her son, who was standing awkwardly in front of her.

"I have a problem" he mumbled, almost inaudible. Jinx arched an eyebrow "What's wrong, honey?" She asked, patting the seat next to her on the sofa. Jai put the blanket over his body.

Jinx put an arm around his shoulders and he rested his head on his mom's lap "I like a girl"

Jinx's smile softened. Her little boy liked a girl. Whenever Wally pointed out how fast their kids were growing up, she always thought it wasn't such a big deal. Kids grew up, and it was nice to be there when they did.

On one hand, Wally was all fussed about Irey growing up and getting a boyfriend. He knew he wouldn't have to face that situation in a few years, but he couldn't stand knowing that his little girl liked a boy.


No, thank you.

On the other hand, Jinx had always cared about her children, of course, but she didn't think growing up was such a big deal. She loved the idea of her little girl having a boyfriend who loved her and treated her well like Wally did to her. And she wanted Jai to be a gentleman to his future girlfriend just like his father.

She just didn't see such bad things.

So, when Jai started showing interest in a girl, Jinx got excited.

"And who's that girl?" She asked softly, passing a hand through his dark brown hair.

Jai gulped "Lian"

The pink-haired sorceress smiled again "She's beautiful, baby" she said "How long have you liked her?"

The twins had known Lian for literally their whole lives, but neither Wally and Jinx or Roy and Jade had seen that coming.

"For a while" Jai said, looking up at his mom "What can I do to get her to like me? You're a girl, you have to know"

His mom smiled sweetly at him. He was so innocent, yet so adorable "Just be yourself around her, Jai" she said.

"How did you fall in love with dad?"

She wasn't expecting that question. It was a difficult one. There were just too many things that made her fall in love with Wally. But most of them were too difficult to explain to a child.

"I fell in love with his charm, among many other things" she decided to say "You're just as adorable as him, sweetie, so don't worry about getting Lian to like you"

Jai stayed in silence for a moment.

"Daddy told me to go get her" he said "And then he called me tiger"

Jinx rolled her eyes. Same old Wally.


It was a lazy, rainy Sunday morning when Wally and Jinx got their day off. They had been busy the past days, which was why the twins spent most of the days either with Roy and Lian or with Barry and Iris.

They both missed their children so much during the week, so it was why they were so eager when Nightwing gave them a day off.

"It's a pity it's raining" Jinx murmured in the darkness of their room. Wally had his arms wrapped around her waist.

"We can stay at home doing whatever" he suggested in a calm, low voice. Jinx loved his morning voice "I really want to spend some time with the twins"

"Me too" she agreed "Ive missed them so much during the past week"

Wally nodded "It's like we-"

The older speedster was interrupted by loud steps on the hallway that were approaching the door, for the first time in ages, at normal speed.

When the steps stopped, two little heads popped inside the bedroom. Two pairs of eyes fixed on Wally and Jinx.

"Hi there" Flash waved at their kids, smiling when they rushed at super speed inside their bedroom and under the covers with them.

Irey giggled and cuddled next to her dad. Wally wrapped an arm around both twins.

"What are the plans for today, mommy?" Jai asked his mother, putting an arm around her stomach. Jinx kissed the top of his head.

"We are gonna do absolutely nothing"

The twins cheered and both parents chuckled.

Wally turned on the cartoons channel and the twins immediately stared at the tv. Jinx rolled her eyes "Kids and TV"

Her husband laughed. As he stared at their kids calmly watching tv on their bed, he understood that all he wanted in life was to be with his family.

Before they had the twins, his whole world turned around his girlfriend. And now, it turned around his beloved now-wife and their beautiful kids.

He couldn't explain how much he loved his family. Wally West was a lucky man.

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