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The idea for this one shot came out randomly, so I hope you like it. I accept any request, anything you want to read about :)

Enjoy <3


Wally West has never been the kind of person who ran around asking for help.

He's always considered himself mature enough to make his own decisions, and to advice himself well enough.

Until he faced a problem he couldn't quite resolve.

He'd stopped himself so many times. So many. He wasn't actually sure he could stop himself one more time.

It was not like she didn't temp him. She really did. She's taken it to a point where he literally had to run off to the ocean to cool off.

He just couldn't bring himself to do it. He didn't know how to.

The excuse had been 'I just don't want to hurt her'. It wasn't exactly a excuse - he wanted her to feel alright- but honestly, he didn't even know where to start. What to do. How to continue.

He knew he was pathetic and helpless, and that his mentor and uncle would flip the shit out of himself when he talked to him about it. But, life was tough.

"Wally, dear!" His aunt greeted him with a bigger smile every time "Look at yourself, all grown up" she looked at him from head to toes, and she couldn't help but let out a few sighs.

Wally noticed that his aunt had become one of those 'Look at you now, big boy' 'You're all a man now' 'My little baby is now a man' kind of woman, but he didn't quite mind it.

Honestly, he thought it was nice of someone to remind him how manly he was. Besides Jinx, that's it.

He heard running inside the house, and he figured it wasn't his uncle. Those steps didn't sound like super speed.

"Are the twins awake?" He asked his aunt, checking the time. He thought they would be napping by then. Oh oops.

"I've decided to give up on speedsters high on sugar" Iris smiled, and paused to hear her son's laugh as he was probably being chased by his father "Come in, Wally"

It always felt warm and smelled like fresh flowers on his aunt's and uncle's house. It was a smell Wally had always recalled as home, and it was nice to go back.

"You don't visit us as often anymore" Aunt Iris said, as if reading his mind. She smirked "Busy with your lady?"

Wally felt his cheeks getting warm. Almost a year of dating her, and he still couldn't be able to hide a blush when someone talked to him about her.

"That and...patrol has gotten me quite busy lately" he took a seat on the living room "Can't say it bothers me" he smirked.

Everyone knew Wally loved going on patrol, specially if it was thousands of miles away, so he could run to get there.

He got his aunt to smile too.

"What have you been up to?" He asked his aunt.

"Not much other than the twins, to sum it up quickly" she let out a laugh "I love it, though"

Iris loved to take care of the people she loved the most. She had taken a really good care of Barry when they were younger; and she still did. She was always willing to sacrifice herself and everything she knew for the ones she loved.

Wally got that from her.

"I bet they are a lot of hard work" Wally said. Despite all, he knew a kid was a lot of work and meant that you had to give up a lot. It didn't mean it was worthless, tho.

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