Older sister

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Helloooo :)

This is basically Stephanie's point of view of Speeddemon (yes, this one is not flinx ><) I hope you like it.

Enjoy <3


"Oh my god, Damian" Stephanie hid her face on her hands "It's just a goddamn date"

Damian bat-glared at her crime-fighting partner. He was anxious. It was nothing like he had experienced before, his feelings towards the thought were strange. In despite of being 16 and a very handsome, well-built, very intelligent, sassy boy, Damian had never had a girlfriend or anything close to that.

He was a normal boy. He didn't have a normal childhood, tho, and he wasn't having a common teenage-hood either, but he wasn't complaining. He liked his life. He liked to be one of the most skilled fighters in the world, besides his father. He liked being Robin, being in the business. To be able to save people and put the bad guys under arrest was what made him feel proud of himself. He lived for that.

But sometimes, when he looked at boys his age, he missed being normal. Not like he ever was, but he wanted to try.

Damian wanted nothing more than to go out without having to keep an eye open for assassins hunting him. He wanted to sleep at night without waking up at 4 am to go on patrol. He desired being a normal 16-year-old.

And the worst part, the part Damian wanted the most and he was afraid to, was the dating part. All his siblings -adopted siblings- had a partner, except him. He didn't feel like an outcast. He told himself that if he ever got a girlfriend, it would be because he liked her, not because everyone else was dating someone.

He was afraid he'd make a mistake. But then, he met Irey West. She was everything he was not. She was kind, carefree, smiled all the time and she was incredibly beautiful and clever. He fell for her quickly.

It explained why he was so stubborn -more than usual- while Stephanie helped him choose an outfit for his date "I don't even know why I asked" he said, looking down at the pair of jeans and shirt she had chosen for him. They weren't his style.

"You're not wearing a suit to go to the movies, Damian" she replied, her voice firm.

He ran a hand through his messy black hair "I know, damn" he took off his costume and put on the clothes Stephanie had chosen. The former Robin looked at her youngest brother while he changed. He had grown up so much. Not only physically -it was obvious, how his muscles were defined and how tall and well-built he was- but also mentally. Although he still was the same stubborn brat, he had gotten a lot nicer. She thanked Dick.

"Are you nervous?" The girl smirked. The black-haired hero blushed notably.

"Tt" he hissed, looking anywhere but at his sister "It's just Iris"

Her smile got wider "You're totally nervous" he turned to bat-glare at her, making her see how flustered he really was.

She squealed like a 6-year-old "Oh my god oh my god" she shouted, making Damian roll his eyes "You're so in love with her! You're so adorable oh my god! I want to take a picture of you two, and I want the bab-"

"Please" Damian begged, pinching the bridge of his nose "I'll let you do all that if you shut up"

Her eyes sparkled "Even being the first one to hold your future babies?" She asked, a glimpse of hope in her eyes. The doorbell suddenly rang.

Robin rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, gesturing her to come down with him. Stephanie soon followed.

He opened the door to reveal a smiling Iris West, her gingery hair flying with the wind. Her green eyes were sparkling with the rays of sun, so were the little freckles on her nose area. Damian instantly smiled.

"Hi" Iris said, getting on her tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek. Damian swore he heard Stephanie squeal from the kitchen.

He grabbed her hand slowly "Let's go" he closed the door behind him and pulled her into a hug. Irey giggled "Were you waiting to do this?" She asked, blinded by the summer sun again. He kissed her temple "For a long time"

She giggled again, hiding her face on his chest. Damian searched for her lips, catching them in his in a swift motion. She responded by stroking his cheek.

Tim Drake came up behind his girlfriend, who was engaged in looking out of the kitchen window. He rested his hands on her waist "Whatcha watching?" He asked.

Stephanie pointed at Damian and Iris on the main entrance "They're being cute again" she said matter-of-factly "He's so grown up"

Tim rolled his eyes "Im not gonna go through this conversation again"

"He's never been so sweet to anyone" Her eyes never left the window.


"Iris is so kind, she's a good girl for him"


"Im going to be the first one to hold their baby"

Tim froze. He looked out of the window and saw his younger brother kissing Wally's daughter on the lips. He couldn't deny they looked cute together "No way in hell" he said after a long pause "I call being the first one to hold baby Wayne-West"

Stephanie smacked his arm "Never"

And with a last peck on the lips, Damian put his arm around Iris and they both walked away of the mansion. The blonde girl looked at his boyfriend and smirked "Im rooting for a ginger boy"

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