He would rather

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Hello there :) I want to try something different. Instead of giving me ideas ((or if you want to do that that's fine)) I want you guys to write a random word in the comments and I'll try to make a Flinx or Speeddemon (you choose) one shot that has to do with that word. I think that'd be fun :D

Enjoy <3


Wally had always one thing to do before he got home from patrol. One thing that, if he forgot, he'd be punished by two very scary-and-hungry girls that he obviously didn't want to disappoint.

Every night he'd have to stop at the market to get some Kit-Kat bars for Irey and Jinx. She had always loved that specific candy, and apparently their daughter had followed suit.

Jai wasn't a fan of chocolate, really. He was like Barry, he fancied salty things. So, in the way to the Kit-Kat stand, Wally stopped to get some really-salty popcorn and potato chips for him and his boy.

Movie nights at the West household were always taken really seriously. Specially for the food. Jinx, with three speedsters living with her, had learnt quickly that she'd rather forget to walk, or even forget an important meeting before forgetting to buy enough food to feed them.

Wally opened the door to their family home to find everyone looking at him from the couch, not bothering in standing up to greet them.

"No greetings for daddy, or what?" His speedster twins were holding his legs a second after he dropped the question. He laughed and showed them the bag with food.

Irey and Jai cheered, grabbing it from their dad's hands and digging in immediately. Wally walked over the sofa and pressed a soft kiss on his wife's lips "How was patrol?" She asked him, pulling all his weight over her to breath his scent. She had missed him so much.

Wally wrapped his arms around her "Hard" he said "But not for me" She could feel him grinning. Their moment of peace was interrupted by two very hungry speedsters who sat on the couch and turned on the movie, telling them to "stop being disgustingly-cheesy" and focus on the screen.

Wally gave her one last kiss and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, the other one picking at Jai's chips. He was struggling to keep them all to himself.

As the whole family ate in each other's company under the blankets, the television being the only light in the room, Wally thought he'd rather give up his mantle before missing those family moments.

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