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Jinx reveals her dark childhood to Wally... Fluffy at the end.

Hope you like it <3


She didn't use to care when she saw kids with their parents around town. She didn't care when she went grocery shopping and saw nothing but families everywhere. The lack of one during almost all your existence makes you tough enough not to break down.

Wally had insisted that he was in the same situation. Both of them knew it wasn't true. He had family, whereas she had nothing.

"They're not my parents" he said "They abandoned me"

"So did mine" she answered back "But you've got family, Wally. I don't"

"Hey" he softened his voice, his hand reaching for her chin "I am your family"

She didn't even know how the topic came up. She just remembered saying "I've never had a childhood" and that was how the whole awkward situation started.

Jinx disliked to talk about herself, let alone her dark past, which was unbelievably darker before she joined the Five.

And that's how she -almost against her will- told Wally about her undeniable horrible childhood. If you could only call that having a childhood.

She had sat on the sofa, cuddling against one of its arms, protected by the warmth of the blanket. The speedster sat on the coffee table, right in front of her, ready to listen to whatever she had to tell him.

"I got my powers when I was about 5" she started "First, my eyes started to turn pink -glowing pink-, and soon it was followed by my hair

- They thought I was some kind of circus freak, probably. Some months later I got my powers, but obviously I didn't have a clue on how to use them so I basically blew up this 24/7" she explained.

Wally listened to her story, concerned, worried. Out of all the people in the planet, Jinx didn't deserve what she was telling him. Confessing him.

She trusted him.

"When I was 7, my parents told me they were taking me to Disneyland, so imagine how eager I felt" Kid Flash thought he saw a smile, but it was probably nothing.

"It was a long journey to Disneyland, so eventually we stopped at a gas station" as much as she tried to hide it, Wally felt his girlfriend stiffen "Mom told me to sat on a bench and asked me to wait for them until they got back from the bathroom. No need to say that they didn't come back"

Wally felt as if someone stabbed him on the stomach. The thought of a small child, a helpless Jinx being abandoned by her own parents at a gas station made him want to kill them. If they weren't already dead.

"When it got late, I realized that they weren't coming back, indeed" she said, looking down "A man -Brother Blood- approached me and told me that he was my parents' friend and he had to pick me up"

Wally got up from the coffee table and sat on the couch, arm around Jinx's shoulders "You don't have to keep talking, if it's making you uncomfortable" he said.

Jinx shook her head "You have a right to know" she looked at his deep blue eyes, and entwined their fingers together "You told me everything about you"

Wally squeezed her hand, and she went on with the story "So he took me to the HIVE Academy and taught me to use my powers, with the worst purposes

It wasn't after you came into my life that I realized what I was doing was wrong. I didn't get any pleasure in stealing and stuff, but I guess I was too blind to see that I didn't belong to them. It's difficult to assume that when you've been part of the Brotherhood of Evil almost your whole life"

Wally squeezed her hand again "I'm glad I helped" he hid his face on Jinx's neck and kissed it temptingly.

"Stop it" she was about to giggle, but she refused to let him have that pleasure.

"Everything's okay, and it will be okay from now on" he said, his voice low "So I want you to forget about all that, alright? I don't like it when you look so fragile. You're much stronger"

The pink-haired hero smiled and took Wally's face on her small hands "You're a cheesy idiot"

Wally chuckled, face hidden on her neck and rested one of her hands on her side "Thought you would be used to me by now" he planted small kisses on her shoulder, and she felt she was giving in slowly.

Maybe not so slowly.

"You're taking advantage of the situation" Jinx said, trying to slow him down, but it was useless.

He was now almost on top of her, kissing her neck softly and slowly. Jinx's eyes were closed out of pure embarrassment.

They've never gotten past the hot-make-out-session but it was never too late. And she feared it wasn't too late.

"It doesn't matter if you didn't have a childhood" Wally mumbled in-between kisses "You have a present, and a future" he looked up into her glowing pink eyes "And I'm gonna make sure it's bright enough"

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