Double Trouble

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So, surprise surprise surprise 😁 (Not really because of the last chapter lmao)

Second update in a day tho.

Enjoy <3


Jinx looked down at her swollen stomach and put a hand over it, then rubbed it. It hurt. Specially in the mornings, when every single inch of her body hurt badly. So badly that not even Wally could calm her down, like he usually did.

She never imagined pregnancy being so horrible. She didn't mind it at first; she even thought women who said it was painful were just over dramatic. But they were not.

Ever since the third month, she had wanted nothing more than to have that damn baby already. And she still was on her fifth month.

"I hate you so much" Jinx told Wally on a Sunday afternoon, when they were just chilling on the couch and Jinx couldnt find a comfortable position because of her belly's size "Dont ever get inside my pants again, I'm warning you"

The redhead laughed, and helped her to sit down properly. He rubbed her stomach "You have an appointment tomorrow, right?" He asked.

"Don't change the subject, and yes" she said. She squirmed in pain "I think something's wrong" Wally's body tensed and he started sweating. Not his baby. Not Jinx.

"W-Why would you think that?"

"Because it's just too big" she gestured to her round stomach "And it hurts like a bitch"

Wally smiled and kissed her forehead "Everything's fine" he assured her. She was just over reacting, although he decided not to tell her that.

"But Wally" she insisted "What if we are having twins? I can't handle two babies. I just - Oh my god, what if they're triplets?! Wally I can't do this, Im not-"

The speedster burst out laughing "You're freaking out way too much, Slowpoke" he smirked "We are not having triplets. And anyways, what are the odds of my uncle and I both having twins? That's like, impossible"

Jinx sighed and crossed her arms "Don't laugh at me" she said "I'd like to see you all hormonal and fat too"

He rolled his eyes "You're not fat" he said, matter-of-factly "You're pregnant. And that's beautiful"

She scowled "Shut the f-"

Wally put a hand over her mouth and smiled "No swearing in front of the baby" Jinx just glared at him.

The next day, they decided to take a cab to the hospital because, despite Wally's assurances, Jinx wasn't going to let him carry her to the hospital at super speed.

"No way, Jose" she told him as she called a cab and heard him trying to convince her at the back. But she didn't understand a word he said.

Once they found themselves there, suddenly Jinx didnt find interesting anything the doctor had to tell them, and she just wanted to go home.

"We can't leave now" Wally held her hand for comfort "Everything's gonna be alright, okay?"

Jinx nodded and looked around. Nurses jogging up and down the halls, old people coughing to death, children cuddled into their mothers' chests. She felt nauseous.

"Hey" Wally put an arm around her shoulders and squeezed them "What's bothering you?"

"Everything, Wally" she said, feeling anxious "Im not feeling well"

"Is it the baby?" He put his free hand on her stomach and started rubbing circles on it, just like he did every night to help Jinx fall asleep.

"No, it's me" she said "Im nervous"


"The baby" she looked at his green eyes, her pink ones shining with worry "What if there's something wrong? We are not exactly normal, Wally"

"I know, and that's why we have Cyborg with us on this one" he assured her "But this doctor won't hurt the baby or anything, Jinx. Don't worry. It's just a check-up"

The sorceress nodded, and held Wally's hand as tight as ever when a nurse called them in. He helped her to lie down and lifted her sweater -well, his-, as the doctor put a gel on her belly so they could see the baby.

Wally held her hand the whole time and looked apparently relaxed, when in fact he was about to explode on the inside. He wanted everything to be alright with their baby.

The doctor smiled and turned to them "Congratulations!" She exclaimed, a little more hyper than they were expecting "You're having twins!"

Jinx let out a small, sarcastic chuckle. Wally almost fainted.

"I need water" the redhead stated, and the nurse came back a minute later with a glass of water for each of them. Wally drank both.

"Do you wish to know the sex of the babies?" The doctor asked when the couple had calmed down a little.

Jinx looked at him and shrugged "I want it to be a surprise" Wally confessed. Jinx nodded "We won't get a bigger surprise than this one, tho"

The doctor laughed and gave them pictures of the ultrasound.

Once they were home, she looked down at the two small figures carefully and smiled "They're inside me" she whispered, as if trying to convince herself.

The speedster ran a hand through his messy hair and sighed "The fuck did just happen-"

"Wally" she warned.

"Im sorry I just..." His gaze was lost. He looked lost, indeed. Jinx didn't know if that was a good or a bad sign. She certainly didn't expect him to freak out more than her.

"Are you alright?" She was concerned.

"Yeah" he woke up from his daydream "Dont get me wrong, Jinx. I love the idea of being a father. In fact, I can't wait" he said truthfully "It's just that, like I said earlier, I wasn't expecting twins"

"Neither was I" Jinx took his hand in hers. Compared to her little one, Wally's hand was way too enormous. He could cup her whole face with just one hand, so Jinx thought he could actually hold the twins with a hand each. She shook her head. That was too dangerous.

He sighed deeply "I want them already" he smiled into the distance.

"Me too" Jinx kissed his cheek and got up from the sofa "Now move your ass and help me get out of these clothes"

He smirked "Ah, the things I would do to you if you weren't pregnant"

Jinx glared at him and if looks could kill, he would be out of her way already. He put his hands in the air in response and followed her to their room.

He closed the door behind him.

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