Merry Christmas

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Yay, it's Christmas!!! 🎉🎉 I wanted to write a Flinx one shot to celebrate :)

This is full of stuff and cute things and I don't know there's a lot of random stuff here I hope you like.

Enjoy <3


Merry Christmas.

"Aww, Wally, look at this one!" Jinx exclaimed as she pressed her nose against the glass of the pet shop. She wore the biggest smile Wally had ever seen.

She was wearing a cozy sweater -one of Wally's- and jeans. A big coat was covering most of her outfit and her boots were soaked due to the ice that melted under her feet.

The weather got colder as December passed by and Christmas was now a few hours away. Wally sighed and looked at his girlfriend "We don't have time for a cat, Jinx"

The pink-haired sorceress looked at him "Why not?" She wondered.

"We are out all day, and the cat would feel lonely" he said as he put a hand on her shoulder. He hated to disappoint his girl, who deserved everything in the world he could give her. But a cat wasn't one of those things.

"Cats are independent, Wally" she stated, still trying to convince him "It's not like a dog, it can take care of itself while we are out"

Wally would've ran a hand through his hair if he wasn't wearing a beanie. He kissed Jinx's neck "Im sorry, Slowpoke" he whispered "I think it's not a good idea"

Jinx looked at the little cat behind the glass. It was white, with a little black spot above its right eye. She wasn't sure if it was a male or a female, but she was sure it was the most beautiful cat she had ever seen.

If Wally didnt want to buy a cat for Christmas, she didn't want to push it. She wanted the cat to feel loved by the two of them.

"Alright, it's okay" she hugged Wally by the waist and both of them continued their way to their apartment.

"My aunt and uncle are coming for dinner tonight" Wally said "And theyre bringing the twins"

Jinx smiled "I know" she said "Aw, it's been a while since I last saw them, how old are they now?" She knew they still weren't a year old, but she wasn't sure.

"Six months" he said proudly. They were his cousins after all.

"Aw" she cooed "I really want to see them tonight"

Wally squeezed her shoulder "Me too"


Wally decided to make dinner that year. He had learnt to cook throughout the years thanks to his beloved Aunt Iris, and he wanted to prove how good he had become. That, and to save Iris from the chore, since she had the twins now.

He had cooked roasted turkey and mashed potatoes, and he literally had to lock Jinx out of the kitchen so she couldn't sneak in and taste it.

"But Wallyyyyyyyy" she moaned "It smells so good, let me just try-"

"No way" he pushed her away playfully "This is the first big meal I cook all by myself, and it's a surprise" he said.


So she had been setting the table in the common room and decorating the house a bit for the dinner that night. She also made sure the guest room was alright for the baby twins to nap.

At exactly 7pm, Barry and Iris, holding a baby each, knocked at the door of the little apartment.

"Awww" was the first thing that escaped Jinx's lips when she opened the door. The twins were wearing matching christmasy sweaters and little Christmas socks.

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