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Hello, it's been forever *sad face* You can hate me, I deserve it.

HAVE YOUR HEARD THE NEWS?! Kid Flash is going to be in Teen Titans Go!!! Omfg I've been waiting for this moment since the series were announced, to be honest. I have hopes they'll introduce Flinx too, that'd be the death of me.

Omg the feels.

Meanwhile, enjoy another of my one-shots :P

Enjoy <3


Wally stared down to their newborn children, sleeping peacefully on a huge cot, one next to another. He grinned down at them, wanting really bad to hold them and kiss them all over their little faces, but he was scared.

He had never felt so responsible in his whole life, he had two lives depending on him after all. The babies were really tiny, and he was afraid they'd cry or fall down if he held them. He was being ridiculous. They were his children after all.

Not long ago they had returned from hospital. Their little cozy apartment was too small to raise two small children, who were probably going to be speedsters. Wally was pumped about it. Jinx, however, already wanted to die.

They were currently looking for bigger houses to move in, but at the moment, the 24-year-old speedster couldn't care less about that. He felt two slim arms wrap around his torso, and he smiled "Hey" he smiled, turning around to kiss her lips. She hugged him again, resting her head where she could look at her newborn children.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him gently, although she already knew why. Even tho the children were literally a week old, Wally was more attached to them that no one could ever imagine. It melted her heart how much he loved his children. She loved them, too.

"Checking on them" he said casually, wrapping his arms around her petite frame and rubbing her back "Are you still in pain from labor?"

She shook her head "No" Her instinct was telling her that something wasn't right. She might not have Raven's powers, but she still could sense when her partner was alright and when he wasn't. And he wasn't. "What's bothering you, sweetie?" She asked, concerned. He had been weird those past few days.

Wally was amazed by how much she knew him. He kissed the top of her head, making her close her eyes and relax on his chest. The twins had kept both of them up all night, almost everyday. "It's silly, really" he said finally, but Jinx didn't buy it.

"Tell me" she said, more like demanded him. Wally sighed "You know, when my parents came to the hospital to see Irey and Jai?" Jinx nodded. How could she forget. It was horrible. "Well, when I went to the cafeteria to eat something, my dad came with me"

"I know" She already knew where all this was going. Wally's relationship with his father had never been good. He was kind of aggressive when Wally was a kid, and that had caused his childhood to be pitiful. She knew Wally could never forgive him, not for the past itself, but because of all the insecurities he had caused him.

"He told me some...awful things that made me re-think if I can be a...good father to Jai and Irey" he said slowly.

Jinx raised an eyebrow "What awful things?" She was ready to kill his father-in-law.

Wally scratched the back of his neck "He said we were too young to get married, let alone have children" his voice was hurt "He doubted I could ever raise them well, and I quote 'As well as I raised you'" Jinx shook her head in disapproval. Rudy had done nothing but torture his own son during his childhood. If anything, Barry and Iris were the ones who made Wally be the charming, caring, easy going man that he is now.

He continued "That really got on my nerves" he was tense under her touch "I told him that if he really thought like that, I didn't want him near our children anymore. He can go to hell, for all I care" She couldn't tell if he was about to cry or not, and that usually was a bad thing.

She held him close, tight, rubbing his strong back with her delicate palms. Wally didn't deserve any of that. He was the nicest guy on earth, and even though he was his father, he didn't have any rights to tell him he wasn't going to be a good parental figure to his children. He didn't deserve a son like Wally. He didn't deserve anything at all.

"Wally, I don't want you to get upset about all that false crap" she said in a low voice, almost whispering to his ear "Do you really think you're doing a bad job so far? Do you honestly think they don't love you already?"

She was looking into his eyes now. He knew she was right. He knew he was overreacting, but he needed her to remind him that. Jinx was the only person that could keep him sane, he knew it by then.

"I don't want to have this conversation ever again, you hear me?" Her voice sounded playful but serious at the same time "You're a great father, Wally. I'd have loved to have a father like you" she pecked his lips to find a small smile when she pulled away.

"You're my everything, Jinx" he smiled, squeezing her sides "I don't know what I'd do without you, honestly"

At that moment, Jai started to cry and soon Iris followed. The pink-haired sorceress let out a small laugh and pulled away from her husband "Try to calm them down while I get the bottles, Dad of the century"

Wally laughed and turned to his children on the cot, who instantly relaxed when they saw their father's smiling face "Hey, you little geese" he cooed "Mommy and Daddy were having a moment, you know" He laughed when Irey made a strange noise, making Jai jump.

He didn't care what his father thought, or anyone else for that matter. Deep inside, he knew he was going to be the best dad for them, or at least as good as he could be.

He knew he wasn't going to give his children the same childhood his parents had given him. He knew he would try his best to make them happy and turn them into wonderful people, like Jinx and him were. He knew all of that. And he knew he would make it. Without any doubts.

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