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This is probably crap, I'm sorry ><

Enjoy <3


"Jai, eat those carrots" Jinx demanded as she put a plate of sweet corn in front of her 5-year-old daughter, who was pouting at the sigh of her meal.

"Moooomy" the elder twin moaned "I don't like carrots"

"They're good for you, Jai" the sorceress replied, putting some empty plates in the sink "Just eat them up" She glanced at the clock. 8:30. Wally was taking too long on patrol.

"Daddy doesn't make me eat carrots" Jai commented as he chewed on one. Iris, on the other hand, was almost finished with her plate of sweet corn.

Jinx ignored his son's comment and took a bite of her sandwich. It wasn't a secret that the twins had their father wrapped around their little fingers, and that she was the one who kept the three of them in place. Sometimes Wally even looked like one of them.

She put her sandwich down just when her husband opened the main door and chuckles could be heard all over the little house. He wasn't alone. Jinx raised an eyebrow as the twins sped off to meet their father, leaving a plate of carrots and sweet corn behind.

"Daddy!" Both Irey and Jai threw themselves to Wally, making him tumble. He laughed as the twins clutched to his legs.

"These are my kids" Jinx heard him say as she exited the living room and took a good sight of what was going on.

A blonde haired woman was standing behind Wally, looking at the twins with caring eyes and a big smile on her face. She wondered why she knew her husband.

"And she is my wife, Jinx" when she heard her name falling off his lips, she panicked. Normally, he'd introduce her as Linda Park, and she thought he let it slip by accident.

He might had seen the look on her face, because he laughed "Don't worry, babe. She's one of us" he said.

The blonde woman extended her pale hand "Artemis" she smiled "From the Justice League"

Jinx took her hand and shook it. She still didn't know who she was or why she knew her husband. She looked at her, confused.

"We used to work together" Wally informed his wife "We also...kind of like...dated for a while. But we didn't last long" he looked at her and smiled "We are good friends, tho"

Jinx nodded, already feeling insecure again. She had always seen herself not ugly, but less pretty than the average women. Wally had assured her multiple times that she was beautiful, but she still didn't believe so.

"Nice to meet you" the sorceress smiled politely "Would you like some coffee?"

Wally arched an eyebrow. He didn't expect such a reaction from his wife. Then again, they weren't teenagers anymore. They were mature enough to know that an ex-partner could be a friend. Or at least he thought so.

"If you don't mind" Artemis smiled, and Jinx couldn't help but admit she looked like a nice person, at least.

Wally turned his attention back to their children while Artemis and Jinx disappeared into the kitchen "Daddy, who is that girl?" Iris asked, straightening her tiny arms, asking for a lift.

"She's one of daddy's friends" he responded, taking the tiny girl into his arms. Jai stood next to him, holding his hands "Have you had dinner?" He asked them. They nodded.

"Off to bed, then" he said and he immediately got several whines in response. Irey buried her head into the crook of his neck and Jai hugged his knee "Guys, it's late. You'll be really tired tomorrow"

"Don't care" Iris whined. Wally kissed her head and took off up the stairs at a normal pace. Jai obeyed and started walking, still holding his dad's hand.

On the kitchen, Jinx and Artemis were having a more normal conversation that the pink-haired woman had expected. She wasn't expecting her to be so talkative and so nice to someone she barely knew. She told her all about her actual life: she was married and she had a little boy. She even showed her a picture.

Neither of them brought the subject of Wally and her being an item in the past, and Jinx was thankful for that. It would've been one of the most awkward moments of her life.

Wally soon followed suit and joined the conversation, and she found herself surprisingly comfortable. When Artemis left, she almost felt sad the talk was over. She was interesting.

"She's nice" she told Wally while they climbed up the stairs.

"Yeah" he yawned "I was afraid you wouldn't like me to bring her home"

She rolled her eyes "I'm mature enough to know you can have both girl and boy friends" she said, slowly opening the door of the twins bedroom to see if they were asleep "Plus, I trust you completely"

He held her waist and kissed the back of her neck before they reached their bedroom "I love you" he murmured before pressing his lips against hers. It felt so natural already.

"I love you too" she smiled, playing with his fiery red hair "The twins missed you a lot"

"I know" his voice screamed frustration "Patrol was longer than I expected. Bats called for help in Gotham"

She nodded, giving him a small peck on his lips "I know you work hard, honey" she opened the door to their bedroom, leaving a crack open when she closed it in case the twins woke up.

"I will work less" he said, stripping down to his boxers "I've barely seen them these past few days, I don't want to continue like this" She smiled kindly, placing a hand on his arm and rubbing it.

"You're a great father, you know" she kissed his bare shoulder, sending him chills down his spine "Do whatever you think is right"

"I will" he pecked her lips before climbing into bed and taking her with him. She giggled into his chest, making him forget about his personal dramas for a while.

How much he loved her, no one could ever understand.

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