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Speeddemon. I actually have to start writing real interactions between the two of them. Damn you, Wally. Always in my mind.

Enjoy <3


Iris rolled her eyes "I swear, dad. We're not getting drunk" Wally looked at both of his children. He knew he could trust them, yet he couldn't bring himself to do it while in situations like those.

It was the first time the twins were going to a party. It was being held at the Titans Tower and at least there was no danger in using super powers accidentally and people finding out that you were a super hero. But they were teenagers, and their powers were the last thing on his mind.

He had talked to Roy about the party. There was no alcohol -or either they hid it really well- and it was just a bunch of teenagers superheroes spending a good time together. That was okay with him, he had been to many parties too.

But in the Tower there were also bedrooms, which lead to things Wally didn't even want to imagine. Jinx knew it was what worried him the most, but he trusted their children to make the right thing.

"Is Damian going?" Wally asked, making Irey roll her eyes. He could be so ridiculous sometimes.

"He's the leader, dad" Iris said, her tone slightly angry "Of course he is"

Jai looked at his father, then at his sister. A thought about having fun with the situation crossed his mind, but then he saw his mother giving him a pointed look a he decided better to not.

Damian was his best friend, and although he lives with a bunch of playboys and kind-of-sex-addicts, he knew he wasn't like that at all. Maybe it was because he wasn't raised like them, or because he actually respected Irey or who-knows-why, but Jai wasn't worried about that at all.

"We thought of having a sleepover afterwards, you know, like" Jai said "Everyone together, in the living room"

He could see his dad's body vibrating with all kind of emotions. Sometimes it bothered him how little he trusted Irey, or Damian. He had stated long ago that he didn't like him because he had been an assassin in the past, and he was afraid he'd hurt his loved daughter. Everyone knew that wasn't going to happen.

"Okay, whatever, you two can go" Wally finally said.

"Call us if anything goes bad" Jinx said, giving her children a small smile. He knew Wally was going to be stressed. She'd have to calm him down later.

Irey excused herself upstairs so she could pack her things. Jai went to the kitchen to get some water. He had been seeing Lian a few times during the past week. He didn't want to know his parents's reaction, or worse, Roy's. He knew Roy was overprotective of Lian because she was his only daughter and he was a single father and all that. He understood. But he was also scared to death. He expected him to be worse than his father, and he wasn't sure he could handle that.

"Jai" his father's voice woke him up from his thoughts.

"Yes?" He left the glass in the sink and leaned against the cool metal of the kitchen, getting shivers through his tee shirt.

"I want you to keep an eye on your sister and Damian" he said. He should've expected it. Jai rolled his eyes "They'll be fine, dad"

Wally's tired sigh made Jai fear Roy's reaction again. He could basically see him throwing arrows at his chest "Do you not trust Iris?" He asked. His father looked at him from the chair he had sat on "Of course I do" he said "It's Damian the one I don't trust"

And it was all the same over and over again. He was getting tired of all the nonsense, it was his best friend they were talking about "Why exactly do you not trust Damian, dad?" He was keeping his cool.

Wally was tired of repeating himself "He was raised to be a professional assassin, a killer" he said "Plus, he lives with Batman. You know how Bruce is with his kids. Well, you know how Bruce is in general. He's one of my best friends but come on, he's the graphic definition of a playboy"

"He's dating Selina" Jai interrupted him "Has been, in fact, for over two years. He used to be a playboy once, but not anymore. He knows what he wants now"

Wally's eyes widened slightly "How do you know all that?" He asked, surprised of his son's knowledge about the Batman's personal life.

Jai arched an eyebrow "Damian" he simply said. Wally mentally slapped himself. Of course the brat would tell him about it.

"Anyways" Wally continued "I don't want that kind of boys near my daughter. And I don't care if Bruce has settled with Selina now, Damian is 17 and I don't expect him to behave like his father does now"

Jai crossed his arms "Wasn't your relationship with mom serious at that age?" Shit, Wally thought "And don't tell me you were not like Damian is now, because you have no idea how he is now"

Wally sat there in silence, listening to his son's speech "Dick is your best friend, you should now that they're trying their best not to turn Damian into a cocky playboy, but they don't put too much effort because they know he will never be like that" Jai explained "Do I have to remind you the current romantic situation of the whole Bat Family, or are you aware of it?"

There was no doubt he was aware of it, but Wally couldn't believe that so was his son. That boy knew too much. But he wanted to know one thing "Why do you always defend Damian so much?" He asked his son.

Jai refilled his glass and took a sip of fresh water "Because, despite of being my friend and all" he took another sip "I've seen him with Irey. He's not like you think, at all" He said "They're so cheesy and disgusting and ugh" Wally almost laughed at his son's reaction "They remind me of mom and you" The last part was almost audible, but Wally heard it from the start to the end.

The calm aura that was being created was interrupted by Irey storming into the room followed by a black and white cat "Sorry" she said, hexing a box of cat food from the top shelve so it'd fall down "Jai, Lian was on the phone" she said, and the boy's cheeks reddened "Something about a lipstick, I didn't really get it"

Jai ran out of the room at superspeed as his whole face turned red. Wally laughed. Their children's puberty was going to be even harder, he had no doubts. He wanted nothing more than to go back in time when they were 5 and stay like that forever.

Irey left the kitchen and he sat back on the chair, sighing deeply. Ah, parties. They were just the start of his agony.

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