They Know

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Sorry for the delay ><

Enjoy <3


Jinx stood next to Wally and shivered. She wasn't ready to do this.

They stood in front of the Allen household, waiting for someone to open the door after they rang the bell. Jinx was hoping that no one would do it "Maybe there's no one home"

"I called earlier to say that we'd come" Wally said, hesitating if he should knock again or not. Jinx sighed.

She was wearing one of Wally's baggy sweaters and leggings, with boots. Her pregnancy wasn't showing that much, but if you looked close enough you could see her belly was more swollen than before.

She rubbed her stomach "Let's go home, Wally" she said, crossing her fingers so he would say yes.

"They're probably just busy with the twins" Wally thought out loud.

A moment later, Iris West-Allen opened the door revealing a grinning Dawn attached to her leg "Cousin Wally! Jinx!" The little girl spread her arms for her older cousin to pick her up. Wally did so.

Jinx grinned and rubbed the girl's arm "Hello, Dawn" she said, then looked at the older woman "Hello Iris" Jinx forced a smile. She just wasn't in the mood.

"Hello honey" Iris kissed her cheeks "Hello to you too, old man" she laughed and squeezed Wally's arm.

The redhead smiled "Im not that old" he said. His aunt laughed again "Sure, honey"

Jinx alarmed. Was that an indirect? Could she...could she know?

No. She was just being paranoid.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Barry Allen walking into the hallway followed by his youngest son, Don. They greeted them and Wally had to hold Don for a while.

Dawn sat on the couch next to Jinx "What did you guys want to talk about?" Barry asked the 20-year-olds, while he sat down in a little couch next to them. Don crawled into his lap.

"'s complicated" Wally said, taking a seat next to his girlfriend. She looked at Dawn, sat besides her and started to feel dizzy.

"What is it, honey?" Iris sat next to her nephew and put a comforting hand on his thigh.

Dawn crawled into Jinx's lap and rested her weight on her torso. The sorceress held her close "Do you want to tell them?" Wally asked his girlfriend, looking at her in the eye. She panicked.

"No" she simply said. Dawn looked cautiously up at her "Why not?" The little redheaded girl asked "Is it bad?"

Both Wally and Jinx shook their heads "Then tell us" Barry spoke.

Wally took a deep breath "Well," he looked at his aunt and then at his uncle. They'd kill him. They'd kill both of them. They'd call his parents and they'd send him away from Jinx. They'd call the Justice League and they'd make him pay.

But they were his family. They had to know. They deserved to know. They'll be understanding. Or at least, he hoped so.

"We are having a baby" Wally said in a low voice, but loud enough for their relatives to hear.

A light bulb exploded and left pink sparkles. No one seemed to notice.

Dawn was the first one to react. She put a hand over Jinx's stomach, making her stiffen "Is there a baby in here?" She asked excitedly, much to the girl's surprise.

Jinx nodded.

"Oh" the little girl said, amazed, while drawing circles gently on her stomach. Jinx felt calm.

"Is this a joke of some kind?" Barry asked carefully.

"It is not" his nephew said, and Jinx noticed a hint of annoyance in his voice. Iris did too.

"Honey," she said, and put a hand on his arm "Im so happy for you" Both heroes were caught off-guard "Im happy for you too, Jinx" she smiled warmly "Congratulations"


"No, Barry" the ginger said firmly to her husband. She gave him a pointed look "Theyre 20, they'll be adults next year" she kept in mind that their children were in the room. She didn't want to be too hard to her husband "If they want to have a baby, let them have a baby" Her tone was firm.

"Yes, Daddy" Dawn said, still rubbing Jinx's stomach "They will be a great mommy and daddy because we have fun with them, right Don?" She asked her brother, who nodded in response.

The former Flash stayed silent.

"Is it because we are not married?" Wally asked suddenly "Or is it because we are young?"

"It doesn't matter, Daddy!" Dawn said, throwing her hands in the air, looking straight into the blonde's eyes "They love each other and they want to have a baby to celebrate" the child said innocently.

The room fell silent.

Barry realized his daughter was right, despite being just 5. His nephew might be a little young to have children, but he knew he'd love that baby with all his soul.

That was enough for Iris, so why wasn't it enough for him?

Jinx hugged the little girl, who smiled in her arms "Do you know if it's a girl or a boy?" She asked, a few minutes later.

"We have no idea, Princess" Wally told her.

"How far are you, sweetheart?" Iris asked Jinx. She could imagine herself having long talks about pregnancy with her, since she was the only female she knew who had been pregnant. She felt excited.

"A month and a half" the sorceress said "Sorry about the light bulb, tho" she said, ashamed "My powers have been acting up"

"Don't worry about that" she said.

"Does that mean you'll quit being the Flash?" Barry asked suddenly, looking into the distance.

Wally gulped "We haven't talked about it" he confessed "But probably not"

Barry nodded. Although they already knew about the baby, Jinx felt overwhelmed and wanted to run away from everything and everyone. Wally felt this and put an arm around her shoulders.

"Do you want to go home?" He asked her.

"You can leave if you want, sweetie" Iris smiled, getting up to pick her daughter from Jinx's lap "We understand that you want to be by yourselves right now"

She nodded.

"Thanks", she said "For everything"

The adults nodded.


Jinx laid down on their bed and covered her body with the covers. She closed her eyes and relaxed until she was almost asleep.

But Wally's weight on the mattress woke her up.

"Um..." She mumbled, as her boyfriend put an arm around her stomach, pulling her close to his warm body.

He held her stomach firmly.

His family knew. They knew she was pregnant and there was no going back.

Jinx, somehow, felt relieved.

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