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Happy March! 😄

This one is Jai/Lian, also a great request. I've never written about them, but one can try. I just love Jai so much, I imagine him having Wally's loving and nerdy personality and ugh Lian is a lucky girl.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it (: Any other requests? (I have a few more to do but I'll be happy to add some more)

Enjoy <3


They didn't know how it happened. They asked Bruce, Clark, Dick...even Damian. Anyone who had useful footage was welcome. Wally hid his face on his hands, as his pink-haired wife rubbed his back. He couldn't believe it happened again.

It wasnt the first time Jai had been injected something dangerous. This time, as the Bat Cave's footage and a later investigation showed, it wasn't poison, but close enough. It was some serum that put his son under someone's mercy. Jai was someone's slave.

Irey had cried. She, as almost everyone on the team -Damian didn't cry-, had cried over the two weeks Jai had been gone. She couldn't lose her brother, he was a part of her.

Lian had been depressed as well. She didn't eat, or sleep much for that matter. She had her father worried, and Roy wondered if she would be like this if they weren't dating. Probably.

They had been dating for a little over four months now, and Lian was devastated. When she tried to stop him from leaving, his eyes didn't show any emotion. It was almost if he didn't recognise her.

The rest of the team wasn't much better. Although he didn't show it, Iris knew that Damian wasn't okay. It must have hurt him too, to lose his best friend.

They had a plan to make him come back, but that meant fighting Jai, and none of them really wanted to. The plan was to inject him with another serum to take him back to reality. To his reality, at least. But it was easier said than done.

"You can't catch a speedster" Iris was the first one to object the League's plan. She was playing with her shoes as she listened, not really thinking they could actually come up with a solution. Her brother was tough enough in normal conditions, she didn't want to see how tough he was under a simulation.

Damian looked at her, sad eyes behind his mask. How bad he wanted to run to her, to cuddle her until she was alright again. But hero duties.

They had found him thanks to the news. Apparently the world was socked to find one of the most charismatic and loved heroes robbing a bank, and a jewellery two days later. Barry and Wally used his powers to catch him. They never told anyone how they did so.

They kept him on a containment field, but eventually he ran away again. They had the serum, they just needed the speedster.

He robbed two more banks in one night. Lian couldn't take it anymore. It was her boyfriend who was causing all that chaos, and she wanted it to stop. She wanted him back. The loving, funny, dorky, science nerd who made her happier than anyone else. And she couldn't count on anyone but herself to bring him back.

She patrolled by herself three days in a row until she found him. He was wandering the roofs, and the closer she got to him, the more scared she was that he ran away. If he ran off, there was no way she could catch him.

Lian wasn't a speedster, but her moves were fast. She pinned him down on the ground of an alley, and made him look straight into her eyes. She didn't see the spark. She saw nothing.

Jai struggled to get her off him, but he didn't make it. She knew, tho, that he could've vibrated off the situation if he had wanted to.

She called her dad, and Roy called Wally and Batman. Lian couldn't believe she had managed to make him lie down still for a good ten minutes. She told him that he wasn't himself, and that she wanted him back. She swore she could see the sparkle on his eyes again for a second, but it quickly faded away.

She wanted him back more than anything. Not only because he was her boyfriend now, but because he was her best friend too. His parents babysat her when she was young, she knew him and Iris ever since the day they were born. And she felt as if the connection between them broke suddenly, when he didn't even recognize her.

The adults came quickly. Batman had the honor to inject him with the new serum and, to her surprise, Jai passed out. She touched his cold face "D-Dad" she turned to her father, her voice breaking. Roy sighed deeply, his hands on his face.

Wally put a reassuring hand on Lian's shoulder "He'll be alright when he wakes up" he told her. Lian nodded, getting up and leaving Jai's side again. She didn't want to. She wanted to stay in that alley with him until he woke up and kissed her again, making sure he was alright.

His speedster genes made him open his eyes sooner than they had expected. Lian begged to enter the room first, but Roy made her see that his family came first. Even when Irey told him that she was family, he was still firm on his decision. That made Lian even more eager to see her boyfriend. She wanted to hug him, kiss him, cuddle him so bad.

When she finally saw him recovered, the first thing she noticed was the spark. It was on his eyes again. They hugged, they kissed, even Jai dared to crack some jokes about his former state. Lian laughed not because they were funny, but because he knew he liked it when she laughed at his jokes. The purpose of his jokes weren't to amuse anyone, they were just to see her laugh. She loved puns, so he made some up. Just to see those beautiful lips twist into a smile, then laughter, tears if he was lucky.

The archer realized how bad she got it for him. She had been away from him a little over 16 days and she was already freaking out. She looked like Irey when Damian went on patrol. She mentally threw up. Her friend was too dramatic sometimes, did she really look like that?

"I was really worried about you, you little piece of trash" she whispered, almost audible, as she played with the hazel hair behind his ear. He loved it when she did that.

"I really didn't want to do the things I've done" he said in the same low voice, drawing circles with his hand on her back "I couldn't control my body, I just obeyed rules"

"Im glad you're back" she leaned in and pecked his lips softly. His lips were always so thin and wet, it was almost funny.

"Im glad you're glad that I'm back" Lian rolled his eyes bitterly at her boyfriend, making him laugh. And there it was again, and this time not only on his eyes but also on his lips, on his face. He was the spark.

Her spark.

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