Public Affection

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New one-shot, kinda random and short, but it's better than nothing right? :)

I have soooo many ideas in mind for different stories, but when that happens I always collapse and end up writing nothing at all. So I'll try to get my stuff together and writer everything I have in mind.

Enjoy <3


Wally was a big cuddler. He didn't bother in hiding it or denying it, because everyone who knew him -even if not very well-, was aware of this fact.

At first Jinx struggled to keep up with his cuddling-rhythm (24 hours a day), but after nearly a year of romance, she could say she is used to it.

Kid Flash not only was proud of turning a villain good but also of making her a big cuddler too. Every time they were at home, Jinx would cling to Wally's neck or arm and don't let go for hours.

"Jinx, I'm trying to make dinner here" Wally chuckled, as he tried to move away from his girlfriend, who was hugging his waist from behind, and not planning on letting go.

She moaned "But Wally..." He rolled his eyes playfully and tried to ignore the strong feelings he was experiencing in a certain part of his body as she traced circles on his back.

Making dinner while trying to prevent a boner wasn't a piece of cake, even for a hero.

But one thing he hadn't succeeded in, was to make Jinx a public-cuddling-person. Yeah, that was impossible.

He had tried, tho. He had kissed her neck or cheek in front of other Titans and heroes in general, who 'aww'ed and cooed the couple. Just to get a groan or a push from Jinx, making her go away.

He understood she didn't like to show affection in public, he'd learnt it the bad way. But even if she didn't like public affection from her boyfriend, there was times when it was the only option, and it was needed.

"They need me to go, Jinx" Wally spoke in a low voice, as if trying not to be listened by the 30 people standing around them.

She looked down, a tear forming on one of her glowing pink eyes "It's dangerous, Wally" she whispered his name "I don't want to lose you"

He put a hand on her neck, and lifted her chin with the other. He was surprised she hadn't pushed him away already "Jinx" his voice was steady. She looked up at the boy towering over her "You'll never lose me, alright?"

"That's what everyone says" she couldn't help but release the tear "Before they get killed and people who loved them lose them"

She put a hand on his wrist, and when Wally thought she was going to push him away, she squeezed it "Promise me you'll come back safe and sound"

Wally looked at her gorgeous eyes "I can't promise you that" he said "But I'll try my best, okay? I won't leave you"

Jinx said nothing. Wally looked at his mentor, who was standing next to Bart, gesturing him to go now. They didn't have much time.

"I need to go" he said, not wanting to leave her "I'll be back soon"

Jinx nodded, but deep inside, she feared this was the last time she would see him. Touch him. Kiss him.

She closed the space between them and pressed their mouths together. Wally was in shock. They were surrounded by people...kissing...Jinx started... He was getting dizzy.

They heard some 'Aww's coming from the crowd, and Jinx had to resist the urge to run away and hide forever. She felt really embarrassed. Wally, on the other hand, smiled into the kiss, making it even cuter.

When they pulled away, Jinx's face was the same shade of pink as her eyes, which caused Kid Flash to laugh even more "Stupid" She mumbled, but grinned at his laughter.

"Be right back" he told her, and winked at her before disappearing behind a metal door with his Uncle and cousin Bart.

Jinx sighed and felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to se Zatanna standing there, a small smile on her face "He'll be alright" she assured her "I've known him for 10 years, he'll make it safe and sound"

Jinx smiled back at her timidly. Zatanna was one of those powerful women Jinx felt overwhelmed with, in a good way. She thought she was worth looking up to "Thank you" the sorceress said "I hope he's alright"

"He'll come back home to you" the superhero said "Just like you'll come to him"

Jinx nodded.

"Cute kiss tho" Zatanna smiled widely, making Jinx blush "Oh, don't be shy around me" she laughed "I've seen worse things being done in public" she smirked.

Jinx gulped.

Someone get me out of here.

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