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*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

MIKASA STARED DOWN AT HIMARI FROM OVER the side of the wagon that she and Eren had been placed in. Eren had a thick, white bandage wrapped around his head and Himari's torso still remained inside the thick layer of hardened skin.

She took note of the tear tracks on her dirtied cheeks and the dried blood that stained her pale skin. Levi had taken her bloodied cloak off from around her neck and given it to Mikasa to set down as a pillow under her head, which she had done so before the Captain had laid her down gently on the wooden wagon beside the unconscious titan shifter.

As she watched, she noticed that Himari's eyes began to twitch, the girl inhaling deeply as she began to come to. Mikasa's breath hitched nervously when she realised that Himari was going to have to go through the pain of losing her family once again when she awoke. Mikasa gripped the sides of the wagon tighter as Himari's eyes finally fluttered open, revealing her bright, unusual gold eyes.

The blue, cloudy sky was the first thing that met Himari's vision when her eyes opened. The soft, midday breeze gently tickled her cheeks, causing pleasant goosebumps to arise on her skin. For a moment, she wasn't quite sure of where she was. 

She could hear chatter happening around her, despite the fact that it was all hushed and quiet, and could feel the presence of someone next to her. She turned her head to see who it was and inhaled sharply, scrambling up into a sitting position when she saw the unconscious Eren beside her. She winced, wrapping an arm around her ribs at the pain that shot through her with the sudden movements.

She noticed that she'd been stripped of her jacket and there was a bandage wrapped around her upper arm, which was stained red with blood. She figured the skin must have split open when she'd collided when she'd collided with the tree but hadn't noticed it until then, having been too overcome with the pain in her ribs to focus on anything else

"He's alive." Himari's head snapped towards the source of the voice, causing her to wince and raise a hand to her neck, rubbing it as she had given herself whiplash from moving so quickly. Her shoulders relaxed slightly when she saw Mikasa, a small smile pulling at the corners of her mouth when she saw the uninjured girl standing beside her.

"How are you feeling?" Truthfully, like shit. Every inch of Himari's body was aching and her head was pounding, not to mention the insufferable throbbing in her ribs that was coming from the bones she had broken. She felt uncomfortably hot and light-headed, but she gave a shrug of her shoulders in reply.

"Alright," she answered. Her smile slid off her face when she saw that Mikasa hadn't looked up at her. She was avoiding Himari's gaze and her eyebrows were furrowed - making it obvious that something was bothering her. Himari looked around, about to ask where she was when she remembered that she was outside the walls.

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