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*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

HIMARI HAD SPENT THE MAJORITY OF THE EVENING grumbling insults under her breath. Captain Levi, who was quickly becoming a major pain in Himari's ass, had designated the bedroom next to his, to her. She was forbidden to go down into the dungeons, where Eren was staying, in case they 'conspired' and tried breaking out together.

Also because of the fact that if Eren was to transform, Himari would be crushed under the rubble and die before she even had the chance to go on her first expedition, but she didn't focus on that as much as the other reason.

The Captain had taken her ODM gear too. He didn't trust her not to try to make a break out the window during the nights when everyone else was asleep. Himari, however, quickly came to realise that she wasn't the only one in their new headquarters who rarely ever slept.

She'd practically had a heart attack the first night they'd spent in the castle when she'd sneaked out of her room in the hopes of going down to the courtyard so she could sit on the steps and watch the stars. He'd caught her leaving from the shadows and had managed to scare the living hell out of her. Thankfully, he'd been expecting her response and had simply ducked when she'd thrown a rather hefty punch in his direction. When he'd realised that stargazing was all she planned to do, he'd let her go, but made sure to hang behind her, watching her closely to ensure that she wouldn't run away.

She'd sat simply out on the steps of the courtyard while he sat at a rickety old table with a cup of tea on one side of the immensely large stack of papers in front of him, and a quill and inkwell on the other. She spent most of her time looking up at the stars, but Levi was quick to notice the fat book on her lap that she'd taken from the library she'd been dusting earlier.

"Er... Captain Levi... sir?" Himari started awkwardly, looking up from the page she had been reading. Levi didn't pause his writing.

"What?" He asked. She swallowed nervously before looking back down at the page in her hand, her finger on a particularly long word.

"What does er... met- metam... psy...chosis? Metam-" Himari tried sounding out the long word, only to fail both miserably and embarrassingly in front of the captain. He paused in his writing and looked up, no expression on his face as he stared down at the girl.

"Metempsychosis?" He drawled and Himari blinked, her eyes moving to the page once more. She repeated the word slowly a few times, letting the letters roll off her tongue before she gave a nod of her head.

"Metempsychosis... yeah, that's the one. Er... what does it mean?" She asked. Levi, who had been eying her suspiciously, dipped his quill back into the inkwell on the table in front of him and turned back to his papers.

"No clue," he replied shortly, ending their conversation abruptly.

Himari mouthed an 'oh' before she gave a nod of her head, thanked her Captain quietly and went back to reading. Once she was completely absorbed in the book on her lap, Levi took the chance to glance over at the girl, his eyes narrowing. 

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