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*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

HIMARI FEUERBACH AWOKE WITH A SPLUTTER. Her eyes flew open as inhaled sharply, the breath getting stuck in her clogged throat. She coughed - deep, wet sounds that caused her body to lurch as she began spluttering up a disgusting concoction of blood and titan saliva.

A bucket was shoved into her arms as her cheeks soured and she buried her head into it as her body began to convulse, throwing up everything she had eaten that morning for breakfast and whatever disgusting bodily fluids she had swallowed earlier. 

The memories of the empty eyes, severed limbs and Tom's freshly swallowed body caused her to grip the sides of the bucket so tightly her knuckles went white. She could barely get a breath in with how hard she was retching and she could feel tears stinging the back of her eyes. She felt someone pull her hair back away from her face with one hand and rub her back gently with the other, but she didn't bring her eyes up past the top of the basin to look - too busy being violently sick.

She was panting by the time she was sure she'd finished throwing up. Her face was the colour of pure, white bedsheets and there was no colour to be seen in her lips at all. Someone passed her a damp rag and she mumbled a near-incoherent thanks as she wiped her mouth with a shaky hand. Dumping the cloth in the bucket, Himari gathered up what little saliva she had left and spit it out before she finally looked up.

"That was pleasant." Himari looked over, her head feeling extremely heavy on her shoulders as she locked eyes with one of the two people she had come to consider her family. Jean gave the girl a lopsided smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. She felt hands pull away from her head and back, and looked over to see Marco staring down at her, a warm, kind smile tugging at his lips.

Marco took the soiled bucket and placed it out of sight before he slid into one of the chairs beside the wooden stretcher Himari was lying on. With a quick look around, Himari noticed that she seemed to be in some kind of makeshift hospital tent that had been set up in the cool shade, out of the sun. 

Judging by the peek she'd managed to get when Marco had pushed back the entrance flap into the tent to place her sick bucket outside, they'd managed to make it safely over the walls. She'd quickly spotted Garrison troops running around - though they were the only ones who were doing so. Any of the fresh Cadet Corp graduates who had managed to live through the morning, sat quietly by themselves or in tight-knit groups of no bigger than three. No one was smiling.

"Where-" Himari was cut off when she began to cough again, though she held up a hand to let Marco - who had risen quickly out of his seat - know that she wasn't going to be sick again. Her throat felt raw, as though she'd tried swallowing bricks, and her voice had come out in a husky, coarse whisper. 

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