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*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

HIMARI REMAINED CLOSELY AT LEVI'S SIDE as they travelled over towards the horses. The dozens of shorter, three-metre titans were beginning to swarm the area, all of them making a break for the area where the new recruits were gathered. Those who had been instructed to spread out and begin killing the titans were already depleting in numbers- showing off just how vast the difference was between the new soldiers and the veterans. Levi felt just as unhappy as Himari looked at the sight of blood already staining the battlefield, despite the fact that they both knew it was inevitable.

Blood was going to be shed at some point, they just hadn't expected it to start so early.

A momentary flash of orange-yellow lightning filled the air not long after Himari followed Levi down off the top of the wall, the green glow momentarily turning the world dark and gloomy as the telltale signs of someone transforming caught everyone's attention.

Himari's breath hitched, but she didn't dare look over her shoulder to see what was happening, despite how badly she wanted to. She knew better than to become distracted in the middle of a battle against titans. Even she wouldn't be able to handle being swallowed by a titan for the second time - she was lucky to have made it out the first time around.

Levi looked over at Himari momentarily, ensuring that her previous steadfastness hadn't wavered at the sound of Eren transforming from over the other side of the wall. He nodded at her when he saw her looking back at him, her swords clutched tightly in her hands and her eyes staring straight ahead of her.

Himari knew that Eren's transformation was meant as a temporary distraction towards Reiner's initial target. They would only have a small window of time between the moment Eren transformed and Reiner realising what was really happening - which meant they were going to have to kill as many titans as possible in that small period, so they had less to worry about later. With a final, deep inhale, she pushed all thoughts of Eren out of her mind, falling back on her earlier promise to worry about her life and what was happening in front of her. Just as she had told him, they were soldiers today, not lovers. She could worry about his actions later after all of this was over.

Eren's roar echoed through the air and Himari shivered upon hearing it. There was a deafening silence for a few seconds before the sounds of war began to ravage the air around them. Himari could see the abandoned, green-tainted houses of Shiganshina beginning to shake as Eren and Reiner began to fight from somewhere inside the walls behind her. She didn't look over her shoulder once, having complete and utter faith that Eren would not lose the fight this time. He was prepared - they all were. And, if the Thunder Spears and the steadfastness weren't enough to tip the scales in Eren's favour, the mere fact that they were standing on the grounds of the home Reiner had once taken from him was enough to ensure his win.

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