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*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

ARMIN, EVER THE LITTLE GENIUS, had been the one to come up with the plan to take out the titans in the supply depot. The buckshot rifles that Jean, Marco and a few of the other soldiers had found while searching the HQ for anything that could help, had been divvied out evenly between the remaining survivors. Those who had a little more expertise in killing titans, waited silently in the rafters above as the ones with the rifles were lowered down into the depot in the elevator. 

It was almost a form of stress relief for anyone in the elevator, who got to empty rounds upon rounds of single bullets into the heads of the seven titans once they grew close enough. Armin's plan had worked almost flawlessly, what with the way the titans had been distracted by the lead bullets their faces had been pumped full with, allowing the seven in the rafters above to swoop down and take out the backs of their necks, killing the titans successfully. 

Had it not been for Sasha and Connie, who hadn't dug their blades in deep enough and needed Mikasa and Annie to jump in to save them before they became titan food, Armin's plan would have been executed perfectly.

There was a moment of silence after the titans had been reduced to nothing more than steaming piles of hot carcasses on the floor. Everyone waited with bated breath to see whether any more titans were lurking in the shadows, but nothing showed itself. For the first time since the Colossal Titan appeared earlier that day, everyone was momentarily comforted by the safety that the now empty, underground depot brought them.

It came as a relief to everyone when the lack of titans meant they had a few, fleeting moments of downtime to come to terms with the events of what had happened over the few hours they'd spent alone out on the rooftops of Trost. 

Jean chose to sit away from everyone else while he strapped on his new ODM gear and filled up the gas tanks. Before he could even get a chance to lose himself in his guilt and regret, Marco joined him. For a few, wonderous moments, Jean forgot just how many of his friends, acquaintances and fellow soldiers had died that day, when he saw the soft smile on Marco's face. He decided then to focus on the comfort that Marco's smile brought him. Once they'd both made it over the wall and their safety was ensured, then Jean would allow himself to grieve for the people he had lost that day.

Silently, Jean hoped that Connie, Mikasa and Armin were right in putting their faith in that abnormal titan outside. If it had managed to kill off enough of the titans for them, they may even be able to escape HQ without needing to risk their lives going near the monsters at all. That, he believed, was the best-case scenario.

Though he was doubtful, Jean kept that smallest bit of hope with him once they'd finished refilling their gas tanks. Upon making it back up to the top floor of the HQ, Jean could have cried with relief when he saw that for the second time that day, something had gone completely right for them. The abnormal had managed to attract all the other titans in the nearby area, giving them a large, clean window of opportunity to escape and make it over the wall. Without any hesitation at all

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