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*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

(tw: mentions of r*pe, sexual assault and mentions of suicide, nothing explicit or explained in detail.)

THE VERY NEXT DAY, HIMARI FOUND HERSELF back in the room she had been dreading entering for the remainder of the night before. She had hardly slept, choosing to spend her time sitting in silence at Eren's side as she stared up at the stars. 

More than once he'd moved and Himari had waited for him to speak - to tell her what was on his mind, but the words never came. All he did was tighten his grip on her, ran his hands over her warm skin as though to make sure that she really was there, that she wasn't just a figment of his imagination or a memory that the was seeing so vividly through someone else's eyes. He would relax moments later, leaning into her body once more before repeating the process all over again a few hours later.

In Himari's hands, under the long table she was seated at, was a thin piece of brown rope that Hange had given her before they'd entered the room earlier that morning. Already the rope was fraying, loose threads roughing the texture of the rope in her palms as she tied it over and over again in knots that she had learned from her father when he had still been alive.

It had been a few years since Himari had needed something to physically hold onto - to ground herself in a particularly tricky situation where the wandering of her mind could pose a danger to Himari's mentality. Himari herself hadn't even realised just how badly she'd needed something to half-distract her until Hange had presented the rope to her. 

Her mother had simply looked upon the piece of rope with curiosity and interest before Himari had hidden it under the desk, out of her sight. She didn't understand. She hadn't been there to learn.

Sitting in front of Himari, directly across the table, sat Sora Kobayashi. She looked exhausted, with pale skin and prominent bags under her eyes that gave away just how little sleep she had had the night before.

Some sick, angry part of Himari who couldn't forgive her mother for her absence, was glad to see that she was clearly suffering over the loss of Selma.

Another part of her, however, understood. She knew what it was like to lose family, right after believing that she had finally found them once again. Selma was gone and there was nothing either of them could do to get her back.

The room was significantly emptier than the day before. Only a select few members of the other two regiments had been allowed into the conversation, as the meeting had only been set up for personal purposes, rather than business ones.

Sora laced her fingers together, staring back at Himari with tired, grey eyes.

"You must have many questions," she said. "I'll do my best to answer them all."

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