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Yuri's POV

"I'm sorry, I can't do that." Haruto stood up which made me look at him. He then started to walk away but I stopped him by grabbing his hands.

"Then please tell him that I don't love him anymore! Just tell him that I told him to stay away from me!"

"Why can't you try to trust him?!" I felt a pang on my chest as Haruto shouted.

"We know a lot of idols dating someone secretly. Trust Yedam hyung. He knows what to do."

I trust him. I know that Yedam is smart and he can hide us very well but... after knowing about the arranged marriage...

"That's not the only thing I'm worried about." I let go of his hands and sat back at the couch.

I ruffled my hair as I remembered what my mom told me earlier.

"What if she discovers that I got back with Yedam?" What if she intervenes with Yedam's career? 

"I'll take care of everything. I just can't let hyung fall into a slump. We're going to debut soon." My eyebrows furrowed at what he said. Why is he so willing to do this?

"You still love him, right?" I nodded at his question then he suddenly smiled at me. 

Haruto's POV

"Then don't give up. He won't give you up so just trust him, alright?" She smiled at me while nodding, which made my heart start to beat faster.

I knew it. I'm starting to like her.

The moment she cried when she lost her ring, I instantly felt like I needed to do everything to make her smile.

"Thank you, Haruto." I patted her head and stared at her face as her eyes partially closed because of her smile.

"If you're that thankful, then accompany me somewhere." She looked at me as if she's checking if I'm kidding or not.

"I'm not kidding. There's somewhere I want to go and I need a companion."

"Well, okay. Just let me take a bath." I nodded at her and she immediately ran upstairs.

I was left alone in the living room. I looked at the picture frames on the wall and saw a picture of her, holding a medal. She really looks her best when she smiles. 

I sat on the couch and after about 30 minutes, she's finally finished. We went out of her house and since I wanted to stay with her for a while, I told her that we can just walk.

"Where did you want to go?" 

"Movie theatre. I wanted to watch a movie but no one wanted to join me." 

"Hmmm... Then why me?" I then noticed that a guy carrying boxes is walking behind her so I immediately puller her closer to me.

I heard a sniff from her because I pulled her too close to me and our eyes suddenly met each other. 

"Oh... I didn't notice him." She uttered when she realized why I pulled her towards me.

"Uh... my arm." My eyes widened and I removed my grip on her arm. I just started to wak a bit faster, knowing that my face would be red by now.

After walking for a few seconds, I realized that she's not waking behind me. I looked around and saw that a man is talking to her and she looked awkward.

Yuri's POV

"Then can I just get your number?" I cursed under my breath, as the guy tried to go near me. I felt a wall behind me and his smile sent shivers to my whole body.

Suddenly, I felt an arm wrap around my waist and I realized that it's Haruto.

"Do you need something? You can ask me instead of my girlfriend." The guy seemed surprised and just shook his head.

"It's nothing bro. Sorry for interrupting your girl." The guy walked away and I took a deep breath, in an attempt to calm down. I was so nervous.

"You should've walked closer to me!" He suddenly shouted which made me furrow my eyebrows.

"You walked so fast as if you didn't know that your legs are longer than me! How am I supposed to catch up with you? Run?!" He sighed and apologized for raising his voice at me.

"Are you alright?" I nodded at him and he smiled. He suddenly held my hand, which made my face heat up.

"Ya! What are you doing?" I tried to remove his grip on my hands but he held it tighter.

"Just to make sure that no other guy will try to hit on you again. Some guys can be dangerous." I just nodded at him, even if I can't calm my heart.

"But Haruto... you have a girlfriend... right? She'll get mad if you're too close with other girls." Haruto tilted his head as if he's confused at what I just said.

"Ah! That was just a lie. I don't actually have a girlfriend." Right after saying that statement, he showed me a short smile and focused back on the road.

Something in his smile made my stomach feel funny. This is normal. I'm just getting shy and also... of course... my heart would start to beat faster.

My heart is not beating faster because of romantic feelings.

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now