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Yuri's POV

"What's taking you so lo-" Haruto froze when he opened the door by himself. Two guys went in and I'm pretty sure that they're the guys that I saw at the movie theatre. 

Yedam is still outside, looking at me. Haruto is taken further inside the house by the two guys.

"Junkyu hyung, Jihoon hyung! Stop!"

"Let's go~ Feed us!" 

I was left all alone with Yedam and just when I'm about to go back to the kitchen, he pulled me outside the house and hugged me tightly. Tears started to fall as I smelled his perfume and felt the warmth of his body. 

I missed him so much. 

"How long do you have to stay here? I... can't stop thinking about you..." He pulled out of the hug, face full of tears.

"I don't know... I just... don't want to go home. I'm scared, Yedam..." I'm scared of my mom. I don't want to be isolated again from the world. I don't want to stay in that empty pantry again. If I do, I might even lose my sanity.

"I'll try to find an apartment far from here. Somewhere that your mom wouldn't be able to find." I nodded at Yedam and he smiled, making me calm.

"I love you, Yuri." It's still the same. My feelings for him, it's still strong.

"I love you too, Yedam." 

Haruto's POV

I looked at the door as it opened. Yedam and Yuri entered and it seems like... they're still on good terms.

"Yedam come here! They cooked hamburg steak and tempura for dinner!" Yedam held Yuri's hand then they walked together to the dining room.

I was just staring at the two of them feeding each other, and eventually, I lost appetite. I stood up, leaving the dining room.

"Haruto, you're not hungry?" Mashiho called me out and I just nodded. I made my way upstairs, locking the door when I got inside my bedroom.

Bullshit. I should be the one talking with her right now. I should be the one helping her eat... I should be... why am I dreaming about those things if I'm not her boyfriend?

I was about to close my eyes but a knock on my door, made me stand up. 

"Haruto, open the door." Hearing Yuri's voice, I just held the doorknob, hesitating if I should open it or not.

"Just... have fun with Yedam hyu-" My eyes widened when the door opened. I definitely locked it earlier! Yuri's holding a tray in one hand then she walked inside my room.

"I locked the door!"

"Asahi told me where you're hiding the keys." She waved a key, making me sigh.

"I'm not hungry. Just leave me alone." I laid back on my bed but she sat at the space behind me, making me panic. I sat properly as she placed the tray on her lap.

"I'll feed you if I have to. I know you're tired after training and you can't sleep with an empty stomach!" She reached out a spoonful of rice with a little bit of Hamburg steak. I stared at her face as she pouted because I'm not opening my mouth.

Her hand began to shake and thinking that she might spill the food on my bed, I just opened my mouth and she quickly shoved the spoon into my mouth, all while smiling. I chewed the food and it tasted so good. I guess it's because Mashiho helped.

I would've made her wait for 10 more minutes only if I didn't like her.

"How was it? Good, right? Mashiho altered the recipe!" I just smiled, seeing how happy she was. 

"You're so persistent." She glared at me as she reached out a spoonful of food again in front of my mouth. 

"Of course I would be! I cooked it for you after all!" I grabbed the spoon from her hand and ate it. I also took the tray of food on her lap and placed it on my lap instead.

"Go down, I'll finish it." 

"No way. I'll stay with you." My heart started to flutter when she uttered those words.

"I can't let you sleep without finishing you fo-" I shoved whole tempura in her mouth making her glared at me. She just started to chew while I laughed because of her face.

"Okay, then stay with me until I finished my food." I patted her head but her body suddenly stiffened.

Yuri's POV

"Is there something wrong?" Haruto slowly removed his hand on my head, but my heart is still beating fast. Am I nervous? But why? What would I be nervous about?

"No-nothing's wrong..."

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now