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Haruto's POV

"I need to go." Yuri started to walk away from me but I grabbed her hand and carried her. She told me to bring her down but I didn't listen to her and made her ride inside my car.

I'm not dumb. Headache and Nausea? Something is definitely going on and I already have an idea.

"How can I let you go when there's something wrong with you?" I fastened her seatbelt and drove the car immediately after starting it so she won't have a chance to escape.

"You can't bring me to a hospital Haruto! What if the media makes exaggerated issues about us?! Just stop the car and let me out!" I sped up the car but made sure that I'm still driving safely. 

"Then I'll quit being an idol and take you far away from here." 

"Haruto, please! Why are you doing this?! I told you that I love Doyoung!" I ignored her the entire trip and just focused on the road despite my heart aching as she repeatedly said that she loves Doyoung.

"We're here." I uttered and went out of the car to open the door for her. She tried to run away again so I picked her up and carried her bridal style so she won't get to escape.

The people started to look at us but luckily, I wore a mask and hat earlier. Yuri hid by burying her face on my neck, making me smile.

A nurse assisted us with the entire series of tests and when we're finally done, we waited for a while inside a room.

"Go home Haruto. I can handle myself now." Yuri told me when the nurse left the room.

"I'm not going." I need to know if my hunch is true because if it is then... everything will change.

Just after a few minutes, the nurse told us to go inside the doctor's clinic. Yuri hesitantly followed the nurse while I started to get nervous.

"Yuri? Where's Doyoung?" The doctor asked and Yuri told him that he's just busy. So she knows the doctor here?

"Listen, Yuri. I know you're broken from Dohyun's death but now, you need to take care of yourself, alright?" The doctor started to look at some papers and my heart is beating fast.

"You're at least two weeks pregnant! I'm sure Doyoung will also be happy at this news." A huge smile crept on my face but when I looked at Yuri, she's crying.

"Oh no, you're crying... Should I call Doyoung for you?" Yuri frantically shook her head as she wiped her tears.

"Do-Don't tell him! I... I'll surprise him. Thank you, Dr. Son." Yuri walked out of the clinic and I followed her.

"Yuri wait!"I grabbed her hand but she yanked it back. Tears are streaming down her cheeks and I didn't know what to feel.

"We can figure this out together, Yuri. Trust me." I tried to wrap her in my embrace but she pushed me away.

"I'm scared, Haruto." Yuri looked straight into my eyes and I immediately felt guilt. I'm already feeling happy but she's... scared and confused.

"Doyoung... wouldn't like this and I'm scared..." 

"That's why you should just stay with me, Yuri." She looked down but I held her chin and made her face me.

"Let's run away. Away from this mess. Away from everyone." I finally managed to pull her into a hug and I patted the back of her head to calm her down.

"Haruto... I... need t- Ouch!" Suddenly, someone pulled her by the hand, and then I saw Doyoung glaring at me. I started at Yuri and it looks like she's in her pain because Doyoung is holding on to her wrist too tight.

"Stay away." Doyoung strangely sounded so threatening. I don't know why but maybe it's because he can do everything just to make Yuri stay with him.

"You're hurting her, Doyoung." I gulped, seeing the mark of his hand's grip on her wrist when he let her go.

"If you follow us then I will file a restraining order." I stared at him in disbelief. I then looked at Yuri but she's avoiding my gaze.

"Yuri, don't go with him if you don't want to!" Doyoung grabbed my collar but Yuri made him stop. 

"I... I'll go with you but please let me talk to him first." Doyoung was about to disagree but Yuri managed to convince him. We took a few steps away from Doyoung but he never took his eyes off us.

"Don't worry, Haruto. We'll be fine. I'll take care of mysel-"

"How can I let you go if I saw how you almost cried out of pain earlier when he held your wrist?!" Yuri shushed me and showed me a reassuring smile.

"He's just mad earlier but I know he didn't want to do that. He loves me." I bit my lower lip out of frustration. Yuri walked back to Doyoung then looked back at me.

"Take care of yourself, Haruto."

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now