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Haruto's POV

"You'll be hanging out with your friend later so you might arrive home late?" She just nodded as her mouth is still full of food. We're currently having breakfast.

It's not like I can say no, right? I'm a little bit worried but she might be really bored when I leave her alone here in the house.

"That's right. You don't have to wait for me to arrive. I'll just cook some food for dinner before I leave so just reheat it."

I nodded at her and we continued to eat. When I remembered that I can't be late today, I ate all of the remaining food on my plate fastly and ran to my room to get my things.

"Yuri, I'll go ahead!" She smiled at me, waving goodbye as I walked out of the house. I then saw that I received a message from Mashiho asking me to buy a hamburger because he wasn't able to eat breakfast.

I entered a fast food store and heard some girls talking just behind me.

"Rina, who're you bringing tonight at the club?"

"Why would you even ask? Of course, I'll bring Yedam!"

Knowing that Rina and probably some YG trainees too are just behind me, I tried to change my voice so they wouldn't be able to recognize me as I wanted to hear more about their conversation.

"Is that all, Sir?"

"Yes, that's all." I made my voice a little smaller then I sat at a nearby table.

"Wait, I thought Yedam is still together with that rich girl Yuri?" Hira, a YG trainee asked Rina. Rina chuckled, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"That girl? I think they're going to break up soon." My knuckles were shut tightly as I realized that Rina knows that Yedam has a girlfriend.

"Here you go, sir." A staff placed a paper bag on my table and I had no choice but to leave.

I will seriously make them pay for playing with Yuri's feelings.

Yuri's POV

It's already 7:00 PM and I'm currently outside the bar, waiting for someone. My guy friend told me that Rina is one of the guests for his girlfriend's birthday party at the club. 

"Yuri? Is that you?" I turned in the direction of the voice and saw Miko, one of my close friends. He patted my shoulder then gestured me to follow him.

"Wait... I already saw her earlier... Oh, there she is!" He pointed somewhere what seemed like a bathroom door and what I saw made my whole body stiffen.

Yedam is... kissing a girl with his hands wrapped around the girl's waist.

"Oh I think she's busy. Do you want some juice while waiting for h- Yuri!" I walked fastly and when I saw a glass filled with some unknown drink, I grabbed it and drank the content.

"Wait that was mine!" I glared at the guy who just yelled at me and looked back at the empty glass.

"Vodka." The bartender smiled at me and grabbed a bottle off the shelf. 

"I'm talking to you." The guy beside me grabbed my hand but I pulled it back immediately. I then took the shot glass in front of me and drank the vodka in it.

"I'm sorry, she's my friend." Miko apologized and the guy just clicked his tongue and then walked away.

"Yuri stop! Your parents will kill me if you get drunk!" He tried to take away the shot glass that I just filled up with vodka but I managed to take it back and drink the content of the glass.

"It's alright. I'm living at someone else's house." Miko is still panicking but when his girlfriend arrived, I pushed him away from me and he hesitantly left. 

After about 30 minutes, I already had about 5 shots of vodka. My eyes are already getting heavy and I can't even remember why I'm here. 

I stood up, walking through groups of people who are dancing. As I was walking, I saw a very familiar back making me smile. 

I pulled that guy's hand and made him face me. I can taste tequila in his mouth and when I pulled out of the kiss, he looks shocked.

"Yu-Yuri? Why are you here?" Yedam uttered as he helped me stand properly because I'm too drunk to do so.

"I love you! I really love you!" I hugged him tight but he suddenly pushed me away from him. He looked around and then he pulled me out of the club.

"You're drunk! I'll take you home." I removed his grip on my hand and tried to kiss him again but he looked away, making me kiss his neck instead.

"Yedam? Is that Yuri?" I looked at the girl who's talking and a memory flashed into my mind. An image of Yedam kissing the girl in front of me.

"You're finally breaking up with her?" Rina asked, wrapping her arm on Yedam's. 

"Uh... right. I'm breaking up with her." I felt my eyes water as Yedam looked at me. 

"Yuri, we're already over." He started to walk away with the girl but I managed to grab Rina's arm and slap her face.

She looked really mad and just when she's about to slap me, Yedam stopped her. I then slapped Yedam on his right cheek and ran away from that place but I wasn't even that far from the club when I tripped and fell on the ground.

My phone started to ring and I didn't even look at it before answering it.

"Yuri, are you having fun?" Tears started to fall as I heard Haruto's voice.

"Haruto... I wa-want to go home... please ta-take me back... to your house..."

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now