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Yuri's POV

"Yuri! Thank goodness you're alright!" Hearing Haruto's voice made my uneasiness disappear.

"What happened?! Why are you here? Wait... why is there a blanket on the floor..." Haruto asked, making me scream. I immediately picked it up and used it to cover my body.

"What's wrong?! Are you hurt?!" Haruto panicked as he looked at my bd=ody parts, checking for injuries. He saw my ankle and I tried to cover it but he removed my hand then looked at my bandage-covered ankle.

"Is it because of your mom?" Haruto asked and I just nodded. I didn't want to lie to him.

"Will you tell me about it?" I wasn't able to say anything as I didn't want to worry him about the marriage with Doyoung. Besides, Doyoung told me that it wouldn't even happen.

"Alright, It's fine. Have you eaten already?" Haruto asked as he helped me walk. I shook my head and he walked towards the kitchen. I guess he already knows his way around here.

"It's Doyoung hyung so he'll probably have... Here!" Haruto exclaimed, grabbing something from the fridge. He brought out small Tupperware of what seemed like cooked meals.

"His mother drops it off every two days. He can cook but sometimes he still won't because he's tired from practice." Haruto talked as he microwaved the Tupperware filled with food. 

"But how did you end up here? I'm pretty sure that you're not that close with Doyoung hyung."

"Ah well... he saw me when I was trying to run away from my mom..." Haruto just hummed, making me look down at the table. He suddenly patted, making me look up and I saw his smiling face.

"I missed you a lot." Haruto told me then he made me eat a spoonful of rice. As I chewed the food on my mouth, my tears started to fall. 

I really want to tell him about the marriage but what if he starts to lose focus on his upcoming debut? I don't want to worry him too much.

"I'm sorry... Haruto..." He walked beside me and hugged me tightly, burying my face on his chest.

"You don't have to feel pressured to tell it to me, Yuri." He caressed the back of my head while I wrapped my hands on his waist.

"Come on, it's been so long since we last saw each other. Can you smile for me?" He asked me, making me pout. He chuckled and I just hugged him tightly again.

After about 10 minutes, I finally finished cooking and Haruto is looking for some clothes at Doyoung's closet.

"Oh, a hoodie! Yuri here, wear this!" He throws a hoodie on the bed and it landed exactly behind me since I'm laying on Doyoung's bed.

"Huh? For what?"

"You've been wrapping yourself with that blanket so I figured out that you're probably trying to cover something." Haruto explained which made my blood rush towards my cheeks.

Haruto went inside the bathroom while I'm left dumbfounded. I immediately wore the hoodie and covered my face with the blanket and screamed.

He noticed it!

Doyoung's POV

"Oh, Doyoung? Why are you here?" Jihoon hyung asked as soon as he opened the door of the dorm. I immediately went inside and saw Mashiho playing some video games. 

"That's unusual. Aren't you supposed to sleep here only during Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays?" Mashiho hyung asked as I laid on the couch.

"I just wanted to sleep here today." I answered, closing my eyes. If I tell them about Yuri staying in my apartment then Haruto will end up knowing about it too.

"Well, I guess it's fine. Haruto is supposed to stay at the dorm on Tuesdays but Yoshi said he's not there." Jihoon hyung uttered, making me open my eyes widely.

"Wha-what?!" Mashiho and Jihoon hyung furrowed their eyebrows at me when I shouted. 

"Why are you so surprise- Ya Doyoung!" I ignored Jihoon hyung and ran towards my room, calling Yuri's phone number that I got from Yedam.

"Hello, who's this?" I froze when I heard Haruto's voice. 

"Hmmm... this phone number looks familiar..." I immediately ended the call and sat on my bed. I didn't even know that I was already gripping on my bedsheets. 

A memory suddenly flashed on my mind, which made the tears building up on my eyes flow stream my cheeks.

I liked her first so why am I... the disadvantaged one?

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now