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Yuri's POV

"My feelings for you have never changed, Yuri. Up until now, my heart is still waiting for you."

I felt my face heat up so I hid my face under the blanket but then, a loud noise that sounded like something fell on the floor made me flinch. I slowly got off the bed and stood near the door.

Could it be Haruto? It's already 10 PM though... what could he possibly doing?

Suddenly, I heard a muffled groan which made me open the door quickly and ran downstairs. My heart started to race when I noticed traces of blood and it seems like it came from the kitchen.

As I walked towards the living room, I saw Haruto holding his left hand covered with what seemed like a hand towel. I unconsciously ran towards him and gently grabbed his hand, removing the towel that covered it.

"Ya! What happened!" He just gave me a soft chuckle while whispering that he's alright. I glared at him and pulled him towards the kitchen and that's when I realized that he's cooking.

I then saw bento boxes which lead me into thinking that he's cooking food for our picnic tomorrow.

"Haruto, you should've asked for help." I washed my hands with soap and water, doing the same to his injured hands right after. I squeezed the cut on his fingers to prevent infection and after that, the blood seemed to have stopped flowing.

"I wanted to let you rest... I thought you'll be tired from the flight." He was almost pouting as I pulled his other hand while walking to the living room because I saw a first aid kit there earlier.

I then opened the kit under the table and took out a disinfectant and bandage to dress his wound. 

Haruto's POV

"Go to your room. I'll prepare our food for tomorrow." Yuri uttered which made me shook my head frantically.

"No, its alright. I already called Mashiho earlier. I asked him to help me."

"Mashiho? Will he also join us in our picnic tomorrow?" I answered no and grabbed the lunchbox to put the sandwiches in it.

"No, It's only the two of us. He's just going to help me cook tonight so rest easy." No way I'm going to ask them to join us. I want to spend time alone with her. 

She then told me that I'm probably lying so I can make her give up but then, the doorbell rang which made the both of us look at each other.

"See, he's here." I opened the door but when three men with bags came in, I wasn't even able to hide the shock in my face.

"Why are all of you here?! Mashiho!" Mashiho, Yoshinori, and Asahi walked towards Yuri while asking if she's been feeling okay.

"Ya! Don't tell me you told them about the picnic?" I asked Mashiho when the three of them finally sat down on the couch.

"That's not it. Reporters are flocking outside our home and they all want to ask us about Doyoung's issue." Asahi narrated as showed me a picture of the reporters outside his house.

"The reporters doesn't know about this place so we're going to stay here until they give up." A sigh came out of my mouth as I slowly nodded.

"You heard them, Yuri. Go to your room and sleep. They'll help me cook." She was about to protest again but I pushed her towards the stairs and showed her a reassuring smile.

"I'll be fine, alright? Go on, goodnight." Yuri whispered goodnight before she ascended upstairs. I then looked at the three boys and sat in front of them.

"What happened to your finger?" Yoshi asked and I just told him that the knife slipped off my hands. 

"Anyways, is there any news about Doyoung?" They all sighed which made me confused. Mashiho then showed me an article on his phone saying that Doyoung was seen at the Fukuoka Airport this morning.

"He followed us?! Why can't he just give Yuri a rest!" I ruffled my hair out of frustration and Yoshi patted my shoulders.

"I think it'll be better if you cancel the picnic with Yuri tomorrow. The weather forecast shows that it'll be raining all day tomorrow. Just tell her that so she wouldn't get nervous." I nodded at Mashiho's statement.

"How are you feeling?" Asahi asked out of nowhere which made me point at the cut on my fingers.

"About this? It doesn't really hur-"

"Not about that one, Haruto. About your child. You don't have to pretend that you're strong all of the time." As soon as he uttered those words, my eyes started to water.

They all went near me and grouped hug with me in the middle. My tears started to fall as I felt their warmth. 

"Always remember, Haruto. You have three brothers to lean on to."

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now