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Doyoung's POV

*2 years ago*

"Why is such a beautiful lady staying outside when it's so cold?" Finally! I talked to her!

Although she can't see my face because of this mask, I'll just make her fall in love with my voice alone because I know my voice sounds good.

Why did dad even decide to make this a masquerade party?

"Mi-mind your own business." She put back her mask on but I'm pretty sure that she's... crying.

"Wa-wait! What's wrong? Why were you crying?" I asked her as I pulled her arm stopping her from walking away from me.

"Fuck, let me go!" Her mask fell down, showing her face full of tears. I then smelled alcohol on her and figured out that she's drunk.

"You're not Hyunjin so don't talk to me!" She shouted and then I heard whispers so I pulled closer to me and hid behind a bush. I covered her mouth to prevent her from talking.

"I told you to keep your eyes on Yuri! She needs to look her best before talking to the Kim family!" My heart started to beat faster when I realized that it's her mom.

"Why does she even need to look good in front of them?" A man asked and I think it's Yuri's dad.

"They have a son just about the same age as her. Maybe they'll end up liking each other." I'm pretty sure that I'm that guy Mrs. Park's talking about. 

Well, she's not wrong. I'm already interested about this girl beside me.

"You and your mindset. Let Yuri discover who she wants to love." Mr. Park mumbed before walking away. His wife followed her, leaving me and Yuri alone again in the garden.

"Hey, wake up." I whispered right into Yuri's ears when I saw that her eyes are closed. When she didn't respond, I picked her up and made her sit on the bench, laying her head on my lap when I finally got to sit too.

"I guess we're destined for each other, huh?" I poked her cheeks and a smile crept on my face as she let out a cute groan.


Why am I so stupid? I shouldn't have been too carefree. If only I continued to make a move then I wouldn't be here. I should've been the one beside her!

I'm so stupid to rely on what I heard that night.

Haruto's POV

"That's weird..." Yuri mumbled as she looked at her phone. I told her that an unknown number called her.

"What's weird is that you're still awake. You have a lot of wound so you should sleep eary for it to heal faster!" Yuri pouted and I tried my best not to smile at her cuteness.

"What about you? Where ar you going to sleep?" 

"Probably at the couch." She suddenly placed a pillow in between the bed and tapped at the empty space just behind the pillow.

"You're too tall to sleep on the couch, you'll just end up having a stiff neck." 

"I'm go-going to be alri-" She suddenly pulled me made me lay down on the bed. The pillows are in between us. She faced me and stared straight into my eyes. Her cheeks began to redden.

"I'm just concerned. It's not like I wanted to sleep with you in one be-" I scooted closer to her and kissed her forehead, making her open her eyes widely. I tucked her stray hair behind her ears and then pinched her cheeks.

"Sweet dreams, Yuri. I love you." I closed my eyes, but I can still see her flustered face.

"I... I love you too, Haruto." She suddenly answered which made me open my eyes again. It's the first time she answered me!

I chuckled then removed the pillows between us, hugging her tightly. She giggled when she saw my face.

"Why do you look so happy?" Yuri asked me.

"I love you!" I shouted because I want to hear her saying it back to me again.

"I love you too." She whispered, making me pout.

"Louder!" I uttered, in a pleading tone because I wanted to hear it louder.

"Why should I shout? You're right here in front me." She reasoned out.

"Yuri!" I was already losing patience as I really wanted to hear it again. She sounded so beautiful.

"I love you, Haruto." I kissed her lips when she finally said it again. We both smiled through the kiss and I can hear both of our hearts beating fast.

I can't let her go anymore. She's already my whole life.

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now