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Yedam's POV

"Hyung, Haruto is calling you." Jeongwoo told me as he handed me my phone. I just woke up from a nap and the fact that Haruto called me woke me up completely. He rarely calls me after all.

"Yedam hyung! It's Yuri! I ca-can't find her! Sh-she's not here!" Haruto's voice clearly shows that he's panicking so I told him to calm down and hand the phone to Asahi, thinking that he'll be the calmest one.

"Asahi, what happened? How long has it been since she's missing?"

"We actually don't know the exact time since she's already gone when Haruto woke up so I'm thinking that she left on her own. She's not answering any of our calls so we figured that something is strange."

I got off my bed and saw Jihoon and Jaehyuk in the living room. I told them to get up and follow me whilst Jeongwoo told them that Haruto is the one who's calling me.

"Can you please go to Doyoung's house? We just really have a bad feeling about this. We called her mom thinking that she's there but she isn't. We also discovered that her mom hasn't called her but Yuri told us that her mom called her yesterday."

"Alright, we'll go now. We'll keep in touch with you guys." We are now in the car and Jaehyuk is the one driving. I told them what I heard over the phone and after about 15 minutes, we already arrived at Doyoung's house.

"It's locked but Doyoung is indeed here. That's the shoe he's wearing when he stopped by the dorm last night." Jaehyuk pointed at the shoe inside.

Suddenly, we heard two voices, and it seemed like those two are shouting at each other as if they're fighting. As I listened thoroughly to the voices, I confirmed that it's Yuri and Doyoung.

I told Jihoon to break the glass so we can unlock the front door. When Jihoon finally broke the glass using a rock, I unlocked the doorknob from the inside and went inside the house.

We followed the shouts but then we heard something alarming which is Yuri asking for help. We then arrived in front of a door and tried to open it but it's locked.

Yuri's POV

"Who's that?!" Doyoung shouted and just when I was about to ask for help, he covered my mouth. I still tried to scream but I knew that my words are unclear because of Doyoung's hands.

"Doyoung I know that's Yuri! Please let her go!" It's Yedam! Why are they here?

"Mind your own business! Just go away!" Doyoung shouted so I started banging on the door but Doyoung stopped me by grabbing my wrists.

Just then, I started to feel that the door is being hit. Doyoung pulled me away from the door so I took that chance to push him away. The door swung open and Jaehyuk wrapped his arms around my waist because I almost fell on the ground.

Yedam took off his jacket and wrapped it around me and I think it's because my clothes got torn by Doyoung. I turned back and saw Jihoon pinning Doyoung down on the floor.

"Go bring her to the car! I'll manage somehow." Yedam nodded to Jihoon and we ran outside the house. Yedam helped me sit in the backseat while Jaehyuk started the car.

"Yedam, Jaehyuk thank you..." I was shivering a lot, still petrified about what happened earlier. Yedam patted my back and told me that I should just rest.

"I don't think I'd be able to sleep... Ah, that's right Haruto! Can I borrow your phone? I just want to tell him that I'm fine and he doesn't have to worry about me." Yedam sighed and handed me his phone.

I was just about to dial Haruto's number but the phone started ringing and showed that it's Haruto. I immediately answered his call and the first thing he asked if Yedam saw me.

"Haruto... it's me..." My tears started to fall as I heard Haruto's voice.

"Yuri?! Is it really you?! Thank goodness! What happened?! Are you hurt?! Did Doyoung try to do something to you?! Don't worry we're on our way back to Korea!"

"Haruto I love you..." I began to hear soft sobs on the other line and I just know that he's actually crying while smiling.

"I love you too, Yuri. Wait for me okay? I'll be by your side again soon."

"I'll wait for you, Haruto."

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now