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Yuri's POV

"He's been sleeping longer and... his vital signs have been changing every now and then. His body temperature has also been dropping and maybe..." 

"We understand." My mom cut off the doctor, as we both understood what he's talking about. 

"Yuri come here..." My dad called so I walked towards him. He reached out for my hand but instead, I held his.

"Remember, you are in no way obligated to save the company, alright?" He whispered, which made my tears fall. 

"Dad... why are saying things like that?" I wiped my tears but they just kept on falling.

"You're free to choose who you want to love for the rest of your life..." He held my cheeks and as he caressed them, I felt my heart beating faster.

"But Dad..." He wiped my tears and showed me a reassuring smile. I scooted closer to him and hugged him tightly, silently crying.

What should I really do?


"We're deeply saddened by what happened." I looked at the entrance and saw a very familiar family. 

I can't handle this.

"Yuri! Yuri come back here!" I ran out of the funeral hall and just continued to go far away 

Just when I was about to cross a road, I heard a loud beep then my hands were pulled and the next thing I knew, I'm laying on top of Doyoung who's lying on the ground.

"GO AWAY!" I shouted when both of us are finally standing. He tried to hold my hands again so I pushed him away from me.

"Then die!" He shouted at me, making me flinch.

"Then what? Bring Haruto along with your stupidity?!" His words felt like an arrow continuously penetrating my chest. My knees weakened, making me fall on the ground and my tears started to fall.

"I don't know what to do anymore..." I whispered but I'm sure that Doyoung can hear me because he's kneeling down right in front of me.

"Yuri! I secured an investment! Daddy is amazing, right?!" My dad raised me up while smiling from ear to ear. On the other hand, I just tilted my head, not understanding what he's talking about.

"Daddy, what's an investment?" I asked him which he answered with a chuckle.

"Hmmm... let's see." He brought me down again and when my feet finally reached the ground, I stood up and he knelt down.

"Investment is like you giving daddy some of your toys so I can continue to make money out of it!" My eyes started to water at the thought of me losing my toys.

"But... but Yuri doesn't want to give you toys..." Tears started to fall from my eyes making my dad panic.

"No, sweetie! It's just an example! Well, let me put it in other words... Uhm... Investment is when daddy begins to have more opportunity so he'll be able to give you a better future." 

He wiped my tears and I slowly stopped crying.

"Like more toys and sweets?" I mumbled and he smiled widely at me.

"That's right, more toys and sweets." He repeated my answer as he pinched my cheeks.


"I... Am I... cursed?" We're now at a convenience store because Doyoung brought me here. He opened a bottle of water and gave it to me.

"You're not, Yuri." He answered me while looking straight into my eyes. He then tucked my stray hairs behind my ears.

"It's not your fault and you shouldn't even think about how to save your company yet. You should just express your sadne-"

"Wait!" I screamed when someone pulled me, making me stand up.

"You're such a sly one, hyung." After hearing that voice, I immediately knew that it's Haruto. He made me stand up behind him and then he grabbed Doyoung's collar.

"She's still grieving so why can't you just leave her alone!?" Haruto shouted, about to punch Doyoung.

"Haruto stop!" I grab his hand and stood in between them

"It's not like that... I... I almost killed myself when I... tried to cross the road." Haruto's expression changed into a face full of worries. He checked if I have any scratches but he didn't find any.

"I'll leave the two of you." Doyoung told us as he walked away.

"You shouldn't have shouted at him like that!" I shouted as my emotions are starting to overflow again.

"I didn't know what happened!"

"Then you could've at least choose your words carefully! You didn't have to call him sly!"

"I was jealous!" He shouted, which made me furrow my eyebrows.

"Why would you be jealous if you already know that I love you?!" 

"Because I was there for you when you were having a hard time!" What is he even talking about?

"Now that you're starting to feel that you lost someone again, I can't let him go near you! I can't let him comfort you or you'll end up having feelings for him!" Pained by his words, I slapped him on his cheeks.

"Does my love for you feel shallow, Haruto?" He looked at me, still in a state of shock.

"I loved you not only because you were there for me. I loved you for who you are. Do I seem like a dog that will follow anyone who shows kindness?" 

"Yuri that's no-"

"I don't want to talk you anymore." I started to walk away but he grabbed my hands.

"Yuri please, don't leave. Let's fix this misunderstanding first!"

"I didn't misunderstand anything, Haruto. I heard everything clearly and understood what you're trying to say." I removed his grip on my hands and looked straight into his eyes.

"I need to be alone." I told him before waking away. My tears started to fall and I badly want to stop and run back to him but... I just can't.

I need to calm down and fix myself first before talking to him.

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now