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Doyoung's POV

We're currently at a cafe and the smell of coffee beans filled up the air. I don't know if it's because of the coffee I drank earlier while waiting for her but I'm really nervous. The mask that I'm wearing isn't helping it either. 

I'm having a hard time breathing because of nervousness.

"Why do you have this?" Yuri showed me her phone and I saw a picture of her mask that I kept from 2 years ago. I bit my lower lip, not wanting to say anything but she's looking straight into my eyes.

"Tell me the truth." She sternly uttered, making my heart beat faster. I should say it, right?

"I love you." I tried my best to look at her eyes, which showed shock. We were staring at each other's eyes but she suddenly stood up. 

She was about to walk away but I managed to pull her hands and wrap her in my embrace. When she pushed me away, I saw tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I love Haruto. He's the one I'm getting married with." Her tears made me feel like my heart is breaking into tiny pieces.

"Can't you try to love me? You didn't like him at first too, right? You just started to like him when you discovered that you're going to get married to hi-"

"I loved him because I wanted to!" 

She shouted, making the people look at us. I grabbed my things and pulled her out of the cafe, not wanting to attract any more attention. 

Just when I was about to make her ride my car, she walked away and ignored me even when I shouted her name.

"YURI! YOU'LL EVENTUALLY NEED ME!" I shouted but she still didn't look at me. 

This time, I'm sure. She'll be the one to run after me.

Haruto's POV

"Oh? I thought you'll be having dinner with Yuri?" Yoshinori asked which made me pout. I really wanted to but... she's busy...

"She told me she's busy... Ahh... I lost my appetite." I whispered, leaving the dining room and the other guys who are waiting for the food that Mashiho is cooking.

I laid on my bed, face laid flatly on the pillow but then my phone suddenly rang. Seeing that Yuri is the one calling, I excitedly answered it.

"Yuri! Why did you call?" I was waiting for her answer but all I heard are sobs. I immediately got off my bed and wore a mask and hoodie. 

"What's wrong?! Tell me where you are, wait no. Just send me your location!" I ran out of the dorm, ignoring the guys asking why I'm leaving. 

When I'm out of the building, I realized that the call already ended but I received a text message from Yuri.

"This is... the playground near my house!" I immediately ran fast as that playground is just near my current location.

After running for about five minutes nonstop, I reached the playground and there I saw Yuri sitting on a bench. I took a deep breath and walked towards her.

She's wiping her tears that are flowing nonstop. I then knelt in front of her then held her face with both of my hands. 

Her eyes widened for a second but she eventually threw her body over me, making me lay on the ground. I chuckled at her cuteness as I patted the back of her head.

"What's wrong?" I whispered right into her ears, then she looked at me. She stood up and I followed right after her. I shook off the dust on my clothe and sat beside her. She's looking at the stars which made her eyes shine. 

"My mother... told me that I'm going to get married to someone else..." My eyebrows furrowed at what she just said. Placing my hands over her shoulder, I frantically shook my head.

"No! That can't be! I'm your fiancé!" 

"My mom wanted it to happen earlier but your mom is not in favor..." She whispered, trying to stop her voice from cracking.

"That's why she searched for someone else and... found Doyoung." 

Doyoung? Don't tell me it's... the Doyoung that I...

"Doyoung's parents agreed after knowing that their son likes me... He... He also confessed earlier..." It was honestly too much for me to process and my mind is filled with too much emotions.

"No. I will never let this happen." I hugged her as my tears started to fall. She pulled out of the hug and I held her hands tightly.

"No marriage will happen unless it's ours."

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now