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Yuri's POV

The sound of the game I'm playing resonated throughout the room but I can still hear the guys laughing outside the room. My room isn't on the second floor so maybe that's why.

Just what are they doing that they're having so much fun?

Peeking outside, I saw Asahi dancing some weird dance steps while all of the other guys are just laughing. Watching him, I tried my best to stop laughing because he's just so funny!

"Ya! Let's watch a movie!" Jihoon shouted then he opened netflix on the TV. I pouted, wanting to watch a movie too but I can't approach them.

Suddenly, I saw Yedam typing on his phone while smiling. I don't know why but I thought that maybe he'll tell me to go out and watch the movie with them but... I didn't receive any message from him.

I closed the door when Yedam suddenly stood up and went to the kitchen. I followed him, making sure that the others didn't notice me.

"That's right. It sounds better. Your voice is really beautiful." I hid behind the fridge when I realized that Yedam is talking to someone on his phone.

"Where am I? At Haruto's house. How about you? Are you still at the company?" Yedam have this huge smile on his face and I don't know why but I'm... really nervous.

"Don't work too hard. I know you'll be chosen to debut, Rina. I need to go now." Rina? He's talking to a girl?

"Yuri? Why are you he-" I immediately covered the mouth of whoever is in front of me. I then realized that it's Haruto.

"Don't skip meals, alright? I love you." My eyes widened at what Yedam said. I can feel my eyes watering as he smiled.

Yedam just... said I love you to another girl. 

"Okay, bye." Yedam ended the call and Haruto pulled me upstairs then he dragged me inside his bedroom.

As I was still shocked about what I just heard, I can only let him pull me. He made me sit on his bed and that's when my tears started to fall.

"Yuri..." Haruto patted my back, and I just rested my head on his shoulder. 

My heart... feels like it's being shattered into tiny little pieces.

"I... I'm ready to do everything for him..." I didn't want to talk but the words just kept on sipping off my mouth.

"I love him so much... I don't even care if he's a trainee anymore I just... wanted to be with him..." Haruto just continued to pat my back. I bet he doesn't really know what to say but it's alright.

"He even told me that he love me! That was just like 2 hours ago!" Haruto pulled out of the hug, holding my face with both of his hands. He wiped my tears using his thumb.

"Yuri, calm down. Maybe you should have a talk with Yedam hyung tomorrow." I nodded at him, taking a deep breathe after. 

I know that I'm still crying but Haruto smiled at me, mouthing 'I'm here for you.'

"You can sleep here for tonight."

"I don't think I'd be able to sleep after knowing that my boyfriend is cheating on me." I mumbled as I laid down his bed. 

"Then let's talk until you feel sleepy." 

Haruto's POV

"I miss Japan... I want to go there again..." Yuri is almost whispering and her eyes are already closing. Her tear stained face sent a pang onto my chest. It's been 20 minutes after what happened in the kitchen and I think I managed to distract her.

Her eyes slowly closed and when I'm sure that she's finally asleep, I placed a blanket over her body. 

"Maybe you'll finally look at me, Yuri." I mumbled, brushing her hair sideways.

I heard a knock on the door and hearing the knocks, I knew that it's Asahi. I opened the door then he came in, looking at Yuri.

"I knew it. She heard Yedam talking to Rina, right?" My eyes widened at what he said.

"You know about them?" He nodded then he told me that he saw that they're texting each other earlier. Asahi also told me that he saw them a few times hanging out but he didn't knew that they were in a relationship.

"So, what are you planning to do now?" Asahi asked me, making me look at Yuri.

"I'll give her time. I know that it's not going to be easy but I'll... make her forget her feelings for Yedam hyung."

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now