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Yuri's POV

"My little Dohyun! Did you miss daddy?" Doyoung is speaking in a high-pitched voice as he raised Dohyun up in the air. A smile crept onto my lips as I heard Dohyun's giggles.

"Dada!" Dohyun mumbled as Doyoung showered him with kisses. I walked towards them and kissed Doyoung's cheeks, making him pull towards me by my waist. He then let Dohyun crawl on the mat.

"I missed you so much, Yuri." Doyoung uttered as he hugged me tightly. He gave me a paper bag and I saw that the content is a box of chocolates that I've been wanting to eat ever since I left Australia.

"I saw this on our way home from Australia and remembered that this is your favorite." I smiled widely at his statement.

"Now, what do you say about spending time with me later after Dohyun fell asleep? You know It's been a month since we last did tha-" I pinched Doyoung's cheeks because his face looked so excited.

"Doyoung! Dohyun is still small!" I picked Dohyun up and sat on the couch. Doyoung followed me with a smiling face.

"A movie! I was just asking if you want to watch a movie with me!" He chuckled and I felt my face heating up in embarrassment.

"You sounded like you missed it too." He whispered right into my ears, making me shiver.

"Sh-shut up." After all that teasings, we went to the kitchen to eat dinner and when we finished, I bathe Dohyun and tucked him in his bed. Dohyun sleeps pretty quickly and he rarely cries at night.

When I went out of the bedroom, I saw Doyoung sitting on the couch while massaging his head.

"Headache?" He nodded but added that it's not that painful. I sat beside him and he immediately laid his head on my lap.

"Maybe it's just because I missed you so much." Doyoung mumbled as I massaged his temple. He then reached for my right cheek and caressed it gently.

"I think it's time to tell the public about us and Dohyun." He asked which made me remember about Haruto.

"I didn't cheat on you, Yuri. It was all a setup by Doyoung!"

"Is there something wrong?" Doyoung suddenly asked which made me snap back to reality. 

"Doyoung..." Hesitance filled me making me stop talking. He sat properly and held my hands, saying that I should just tell him what's wrong.

"I saw Haruto earlier." My heart started to beat faster as his face changed. I can clearly see anger so I gripped his hand and smiled. Doyoung sighed and told me to tell what happened.

"You know that I leave Dohyun at Ally's condo because he hates staying at the company, right?" Doyoung nodded and he clearly looked confused.

"I went to make him drink a vitamin because it was left in my bag but when I arrived at Ally's condo... Haruto is the one with him and Ally is not there." 

"Did he say why he's there?" I shook my head and told him that I ran out and even left my bag because of hurrying.

"File a restraining order. I don't want him approaching my child." I held Doyoung's cheeks and made him smile but when I removed my hand, he frowned again.

"What if he hurts Dohyun because he's still mad about you choosing me over him?" I shook my head thinking that Haruto will never do that kind of thing.

"It's alright, he didn't hurt us and that's not something he would do." Doyoung suddenly pulled me into a tight hug which made me bit my lip. 

"I love you, Yuri. I love you and Dohyun. I will do everything to make you safe."

Haruto's POV

"I will never fall out of love because I don't want my son to grow up with a broken family."

"Ya, Ruto! The popcorn!" Jeongwoo's loud voice made me snap back to reality. He grabbed the popcorn in my hands and I apologized.

"What's wrong with you, Haruto? You've been staring into space since the movie started." Yoshinori asked which I just answered with a sigh.

"Yuri, right?" Yedam suddenly spoke, making all of us look towards him.

"Doyoung told me that Yuri is back from Australia and she's going to stay here for good. I guess they're finally announcing it to the public." I unconsciously closed my knuckles thinking about what Yedam said.

"Wouldn't that mean that he's going to leave the group?" Jeongwoo asked then Yedam shook his head.

"I heard him talking to our manager and he won't be leaving the group. He's just going to take a hiatus." They continued to talk but my mind started to think about what happened earlier.

I don't want to give up but... it really looked like she doesn't have any feelings for me anymore. I'm not the one that she loves. She already loves someone else and she seems so happy with Dohyun.

How can I beat Doyoung?

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now