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Yuri's POV

"So basically, what you're telling me is..." I trailed off, his words still not sinking in on my dumb brain.

"My parents went back to Japan with my little sister so I live alone now." My whole body froze, regretting my decision of going with him.

"It's alright, we won't be sleeping together in one room but if you're scared, I can stay with yo-"

"Shu-shut up!" I turned around, hiding my face because I'm sure that I'm red as a tomato right now. I can hear his chuckles which just made me scream internally.

He's so evil!! I thought that his family would be here so I agreed! I can't believe he didn't tell me that he actually lives alone!

"That would be my room, right? I'll go ahead then. Goodnight." I walked straight to the white door and when I got in, I dumped my whole body on the bed.

When I closed my eyes, I remembered Yedam's face so I opened my phone to send him a text message saying I'm in Haruto's house now and that I'm doing fine. It didn't take that long for him to reply and he sent me a message saying 'That's great. Sweet dreams, Yuri.'.

I frowned, knowing that he's surely upset about me, going with Haruto. 

"Yuri, I reheated some food for you." Haruto spoke, making me look at the closed door. I was about to say no but my stomach said otherwise. I walked towards the door and when I opened it, Haruto is standing while smiling.  

"It's just some leftover pizza and chicken that I had for breakfast. I'm sorry, that's all I can offer for today. I don't cook." He told me as we walked towards the dining area. He pulled out a chair and gestured that I should sit there.

"This can't be the food that you always eat for breakfast right?"

"Is that bad? Pizza has vegetable toppings and chicken has protein, right?" My eyes widened at his answer. Is he serious? 

"You're a trainee! You need to eat a proper meal for breakfast!" 

"I did eat proper meals when my mom is here but now that they're back in Japan, I'm back to eating delivery foods too. I already told you earlier that I don't know how to cook."

I facepalmed as he took a bite of his pizza. My stomach growled again so I just grabbed a chicken and ate it. When I'm finally full, I went back to my room to brush my teeth and Haruto told me that he'll sleep since he needs to leave at 7:00 AM.

When I'm finally done with my night routine, I laid on my bed and opened my laptop. I opened YouTube but I didn't know what to watch. Suddenly, a thought came across my mind and I smiled as I typed something in the search bar.


"Hmm... seems like he's already taking a shower..." I mumbled to myself as I placed the grocery bags on the countertop. 

I carefully followed the steps on the video that I watched yesterday. When I'm finally done, I checked the fridge for milk but instead, I saw lots of canned colas.

"Wow! What's all of this?" He exclaimed, making me look at the dining table. He sat at the table and pulled the plate of food that I cooked earlier.

"Omelet rice. I thought that you might have missed having that for breakfast." He scooped a spoonful at the omelet rice and ate it. I was getting nervous but he smiled, putting a smile on my face too.

"It's really good! Makes me remember my mom's cooking." He mumbled as I sat at the chair in front of him.

"Eat slowly, you might choke." He nodded, still chewing the food inside his mouth. I was just smiling, satisfied that he liked it. 

I guess he really did miss eating homemade food for breakfast.

"What do you want to eat for dinner?" He looked at me excitedly and when he finally swallowed the food he just chewed, he answered my question.

"Hamburg steak!" He almost seemed like a child pleading his mother.

"Sure, sure. I'll make sure that it'll be done by the time you're home." I gave him a tissue because there is ketchup on his cheeks.

"Thank you, Yuri." He's smiling widely, then he pointed at the food.

"I feel like I'm home because of your cooking." I don't know why but my hands moved towards his head and I slowly patted it.

He's so... cute.

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now