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Yuri's POV

"I think I... already like you." It was quite for a while and we're just staring at each other. I was waiting for him to say 'Just kidding' but he didn't. He's just staring at me so I stood up, making him sit. 

"I'm serious, Yuri." 

"You do know that I still love Yedam, right?" He nodded.

"I still have the upper hand. I'm your fiancé." He went out of the room, leaving me dumbfounded. 

Suddenly, my phone started to ring and when I saw that Yedam is the one calling, I answered it immediatey.

"Yuri, are you alri-"

"Take me away and hide me." 

"Are you... serious?" I stood up, taking out my luggage from my cabinet and stuffed important stuffs in it. 

I took all of the money that I've been saving, knowing that my mother will cut off my credit card. I also transferred money into my account that my mother doesn't know about.

"I will escape this house even if you won't take me a-"

"Where do you want me to pick you up?" I took a deep breathe and bit my lower lip.

"Uhm... at the nearest convenience store from our house, 2:30 AM." I answered him, looking at my watch. It's still 1:30 and I have an hour to prepare my stuffs and make sure that no one's awake.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you." I ended the call and continued to pack my stuffs but Haruto's confession popped out of my mind again. I shook my head, remembering his exact words.

"I still have the upper hand. I'm your fiancé."

I can't let my mom have her way. I don't want to marry someone that I don't love. I don't want to be her money maker.

At exactly 2:20, I confirmed that everyone in the house is already sleep. I managed to sneak out the gates without getting caught. Running away from the house, I felt freedom.

"Yedam!" I ran towards him and hugged him tightly. He held my face and landed a kiss on my forehead, making me smile despite the tears on my cheeks.

"Let's go, I found an Apartment for you." He made me go inside the car then he started to drive.

"What happened?" Yedam asked, still holding my hands even if he's driving.

"Haruto... told me that... he's already liking me." 

"What?!" He exclaimed but I held his hands tighter.

"He told me that he have the upper hand since he's my fiancé but I... don't want to get married with someone I don't love." Yedam held my cheeks, caressing it as he drove the car.

"I'll take care of you, Yuri." He looked straight in my eyes but then, a blinding light made me look in front.

"Yedam watch out!" He looked back at immediatey steered the steering wheel. I held on my seatbelt, as the car did an abrupt stop.

"What is that guy thinking?!" Yedam exclaimed while removing his seatbelt. Thankfully, we didn't collide with the car and we didn't get any injuries.

Just when Yedam and I is about to go out, I heard a  knock on the window beside me and I saw Haruto. Since I unlocked the door earlier, Haruto was able to open it.

"Come out, Yuri." He calmly uttered, but I can sense authority in his voice. 

"Can't you see that she's trying to run away? She doesn't wan-"

"Shut up, hyung." My whoe body shivered at his voice. He sounded like he can do anything just to get me.

"Yedam I'll talk to him. Stay here."

"But Yuri!"

"Its alright."

I smiled at Yedam then gave his hand a squeeze. I took of my seatbelt and when I stepped out of the car, Haruto began to pull me away, making Yedam go out of his car.

"Haruto, it hurts!" He stopped so I pulled back my hand and Yedam hid me behind him.

"Do you think you can run away from your mom?! Ans you, Yedam hyung! You know what will happen if her mom was to report you to the police saying you kidnapped her!"

"I went with him according to my will!" I shouted, but he laughed, making me furrow my eyebrows at him.

"Your mom can pay the judges to make him a bad guy!" I froze, knowing that what Haruto said is true.

"Yuri, don't listen to him. I'm going to be alright!"

"No... if what Haruto said were to happen then... you will never get to debut, right?" Yedam wasn't able to answer.

"Let's go. I'm sure you know what might happen to you if you were to go back to your house. I told your dad that you'll stay at our house." My eyes widened at what Haruto said.

"What are you talking about?!" Yedam shouted, about to grab Haruto's collar but I managed to stop him.

Does he... know that my mom hits me?

"This is for her, hyung." Haruto held my hand and when Yedam is about to pull me back, I told him that its fine.

"I'll... go with Haruto for now, Yedam."


Hello guys!

I would just like to say that I've published a very short Asahi Fanfiction!

The title is Empty Space and if you're interested, please do check it out! ^_^

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