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Yuri's POV

Darkness welcomed me when I opened my eyes but I already knew why. Haruto's scent made my heart race as I took a deep breath. I can hear the beating of his heart clearly.

He then stretched and I took that chance to scoot away from him before I officially suffer from a heart attack. I wanted to watch him sleep but I forgot that I called my mom yesterday to tell her that we arrived here safely. 

I carefully got off the bed, making sure that Haruto won't wake up or anything. My phone is still in my bedroom so I made my way there and saw Mashiho sleeping peacefully.

A huge smile crept on my lips as I saw the permanent marker on the bedside that I used to mark my medicine bottles yesterday.

"Well, I'm not really mad that you slept on my bed but since I have the chance to do it then I guess I'm sorry." I whispered to myself as I opened the cap of the permanent marker.

I immediately grabbed my phone and ran out of the bedroom when I finished my masterpiece on Mashiho's face. I was about to go downstairs, but the door to the guest room opened, revealing Yoshinori, with a sleepy face on.

"Oh, Yuri good morning..." Yoshinori mumbled as he rubbed his eyes and I greeted him back.

Suddenly, it started to sound like it's raining so I made my way towards the balcony only to see that it's indeed raining.

"But Haruto and I will have a picnic today..." 

"You two should just stay at home today... seems like it won't stop anytime soon." Yoshinori uttered as he walked towards me. I just nodded, still looking outside.

"So cold..." Yoshinori and I turned around to see Mashiho wrapped in my blanket. 

"Ya why are you coming out from Yuri's bed- Wait your face!" Yoshinori started laughing as he approached Mashiho while I just tried my very best not to look guilty. Mashiho is clearly confused as he was scratching the back of his head.

"Mashi you have whiskers! Just like a hamster!" I laughed along with Yoshinori and suddenly, the door to the guest room opened again, revealing a half-asleep Asahi.

"What's going on... What happened to you Mashiho?" Asahi was shocked at first but eventually chuckled.

"Ya just what is on my face?!" Mashiho exclaimed as he brought out his phone. He looked at his reflection through it and the shock on his face was so funny!

"Wha- Why do I have doodles on my face! Who did this?!" I waved my hands in the air, about to say no but then I saw a marker ink on my palm.

"Ya Yuri!!!" I ran away from Mashiho because he started to run after me. Just then, the door to Haruto's room opened and he came out, looking handsome as ever even though he just woke up.

"Park Yuri!" Mashiho's screams filled out the entire house and the next thing I knew, I'm already wrapped in Haruto's arms.

"What's happening? Why are you chasing after Yu- Ya, Mashiho what's with your face!" Haruto wrapped his left arm around my waist and Mashiho is glaring at me but he looked so cute especially with the whiskers on.

"Yuri drew on my face!" 

"You slept on my bed!"

"But you ended up sleeping next to Haruto anyways!" Mashiho's statement made blood rush towards my cheeks.

"S-so?! Should I be thankful?!" Mashiho nodded and I can see Yoshinori and Asahi laughing beside him.

"Just admit that you're actually thankf-" The doorbell sounded, which stopped Mashiho from talking.

"Who could that be? Well, I'll take a look!" I immediately ran downstairs so I can avoid Mashiho. The doorbell started to sound like it's being pressed repeatedly which made me confused.

I walked towards the door and looked through the peephole but the person I saw made me walk away from the door.

"Yuri wait!" The three of them ran towards the door while Haruto pulled me. Asahi looked through the peephole and told the others that it's Doyoung.

"I know you're inside Haruto! Bring her out! Bring Yuri out!" Doyoung's voice made me flinch. Haruto brought me inside the pantry and opened a small door on the floor.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure that he wouldn't be able to touch you." Haruto planted a kiss on my forehead before I walked down the ladder. He closed it and I immediately felt cold. 

My hands were shivering so much as I remembered all of the times my mother locked me up in the pantry.

I wish they could be faster because I... hate dark... cold... pantries...

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now