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Haruto's POV

"Ah, shit..." I closed my eyes as I sat on the couch, massaging my temples. I slept on the couch last night because I had to make sure that the other guys wouldn't try to enter my room. 

"What's wrong?" Yoshinori asked. Seems like I woke him up.

"Headache. Maybe it's because I slept on the couch. I'm not really used to it." He placed his right palm on my forehead and his left palm on his own forehead. 

"You don't have a fever. Just drink a medicine just in case." I nodded at him, heading to the kitchen right after. I opened the pantry and grabbed a medicine for headaches.

"A fever?" Hearing Yuri's voice, I choked on the water I'm drinking. 

"No... Just a headache." She then checked my temperature just like Yoshi earlier but then I noticed that her hands are shaking. I removed her hand on my forehead and proceeded to place my palm on her forehead.

"I think you're the one that has a fever." I looked for the thermometer but then I remembered that I broke it.

"Go back to my room."

"But I'm not feeling si-" She suddenly looked away and sneezed. I sighed, pushing her towards the stairs.

"Good thing I don't have training today. Go on. I'll ask Mashi to cook a soup for you." She pouted but she still went upstairs.

"Mashiho, can you cook... lunch for us?" I asked him while looking at my watch. It's already 11:30 AM.

He nodded, putting his phone inside his pocket. Junkyu, Jihoon, and Yedam hyung already went home earlier because Yedam needed to go somewhere.

I bet he's just going to have a date with Rina.

"Should we go somewhere after lunch?" Mashiho asked as he prepared the ingredients.

"Ah, I need to buy a new notebook." Yoshi told us as he placed his phone on the countertop.

"I need to buy some colored pencils too." Asahi uttered then they all looked at me.

"I won't go. Yuri has a fever." They were all shocked but immediately told them that it's not that high.

"Then we'll leave after eating lunch. Should I cook porridge for Yuri?" Mashiho asked and I nodded. 

After 35 minutes, Mashiho finished cooking and before going upstairs with the food, I told them to have fun later.

"Yuri, I'm opening the door." Not hearing any response, I figured out that she's just sleeping and I wasn't wrong. 

A short chuckle escaped my mouth when I saw that she fell asleep watching some random Japanese cooking.

"Yuri, wake up. You need to eat then drink a medicine." She blinked a few times before completely opening her eyes.

"Sorry... You should be resting for today but you'll be taking care of me..." I patted her head making her close her eyes.

"It's alright. Just go on and eat." She nodded at me then she started to eat. I just watched her, wiping all of the food that she spills because of her shaking hands.

"This won't do. I'll feed you." I grabbed the spoon from her hands and she voluntarily opened her mouth. She looked so cute but I just stifled my laughter because she might think that I'm making fun of her.

"Can we watch a movie later?" Yuri asked when she finally finished her food. I gave her the medicine and she immediately drank it.

"If you're feeling better later then why not?" She excitedly cheered, making me smile. I know that she's smiling but... her eyes. Her eyes were full of pain.

How can someone... cheat on her?

"Then I'll go downstairs alright? You should sleep." She nodded then I closed the door.

When I arrived downstairs, the others are already gone. I lay down on the couch massaging my temple all over again because it seems like the pain's getting worse.

I think I should just sleep for a while...


"Haruto~" I opened my eyes then I saw Yuri smiling. 

"I'm feeling a lot better! Let's watch a movie!" I then sat properly, tapping the seat beside me. I didn't know that it's already dark.

I looked at my watch and realized that it's already 7 PM. It seems like we both slept for so long because of the medicines we drank. I stayed up late yesterday because I wasn't able to sleep. I was too worried about Yuri.

"What do you want to watch?" She told me to play My Neighbor Totoro. As the movie started, my head started to throb in pain. Seems like my headache just got worse.

Yuri is so absorbed in the movie and my eyesight is getting hazy. I then closed my eyes, thinking that I can just sleep for a little while to lessen the pain.


I woke up hearing sobs just behind me. I thought that Yuri is crying because of the movie but when I looked at the television, it's already turned off.

"Oh... Yo-you're awake? The movie was just so sad I-" I pulled her into a tight hug then she began to cry again.

"It's alright... I'm just here for you, Yuri." 

"What... am I lacking?" I pulled out of the hug, telling her that she's not lacking anything.

"I'm lacking something, Haruto... If I don't then... Why would Yedam love someone else?" I wiped her tears with my thumbs, shaking my head telling her that it's not her fault.

"In my eyes, you're perfect, Yuri." I looked straight into her eyes and I can feel my heart beating faster.

I slowly approached her face, but I stopped when I realized that I shouldn't be doing this. I then kissed her forehead, burying her face on my chest right after.

"I really like you, Yuri."

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now