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*2 years ago*

Yuri's POV

"What's taking him so long?" I whispered to myself as my feet unconsciously stomped on the snow. Looking at the loads of messages I sent him, I bit my lips as my eyes were already watering because of coldness.

It's been three years since Doyoung and I got married but... it doesn't really seem like we're married. We do have a house but I'm living there alone. He only comes by when their company gives them a break.

During those three years, Doyoung tried his best to make me feel like the luckiest girl alive. That would've been the case if he's the one I love but... he's not.

Haruto and I managed to keep our relationship a secret. I know that it's cruel but I really can't forget about Haruto. 

We did break up three years ago but just after a few months, I went to Australia for a business trip then we met each other and that's when we rekindled our relationship.

Now, we are supposed to meet here at the convenience store near Lotte World, but it's already past an hour after our designated meeting time.

Maybe something just happened on his way here? Haruto will never make me wait this long, right?

Haruto's POV

"Hyung, I... really need to go." A hiccup escaped my mouth as I tried to stand up. Hyunsuk hyung held my hands and placed another shot glass with vodka in it.

"Just one more! Don't ruin the fun!" Hyunsuk hyung shouted making me sigh. I just drank the contents of the glass and stood up but fell down the floor. 

I guess I drank too much alcohol...

"Where's Doyoung?" Yedam hyung asked making me look at the seat in front of me. He's right. Doyoung is not here...

"H-he probably went to the bathroom!" Hyunsuk hyung exclaimed and made me hold a shot glass again. As he started to pour, my eyes started to get blurry.

"Yedam, can you look for Doyoung? I'll take care of Haruto." Hyunsuk hyung commanded which Yedam hyung immediately followed. He left our table, leaving the two of us here.

"Oh, Yuri! Is that you?" I immediately looked up, but since my eyesight is so hazy, I wasn't sure if Yuri really is the one in front of me.

"What? You'll bring Haruto home?" The blurry figure sat beside me and I immediately smelled the personalized perfume I gave Yuri. It really must be Yuri.

"That won't do, I'll bring you guys home. Haruto's too drunk to walk by himself." Hyunsuk hyung uttered and they both helped me stand. 

"Yuri... sorry for making you wait..." I mumbled but I didn't hear any response from her.

"Yuri?" I called out again when they made me sit inside a car. 

"Haruto, you should sleep. You had too much alcohol." Hyunsuk hyung told me as he started to drive. I didn't sleep and just held Yuri's hands the entire trip. I felt happy as I smelled her perfume. 

"Here we go..." Hyunsuk hyung and Yuri helped me lay down the bed and Yuri covered me with the blanket. 

"Haruto, Yuri told me that she'll just go buy some food. I'll drive her to the store." The doors closed and I'm left all alone.

Something's weird... why is Yuri here? I was supposed to... pick her up. Why? Why do I need to pick her up?

No, I don't need to worry about anything... That smell... it's hers. It's a personalized perfume I gave her...

I don't need to worry...

Hyunsuk's POV

"Listen. You need to leave before he even wakes up, alright?" The girl in front of me nodded and I gave her an envelope.

"You can do anything. Just make sure to use protection so you won't get pre-pregnant. Don't forget to send me a picture." She took the envelope and started to walk away from me.

"Wait!" She looked back at me and I took out a small spray bottle from my pockets. It's the perfume that Haruto gifted to Yuri.

"Make sure to spray this again before you enter his bedroom." I gave it to her and went inside my car. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and gripped the steering wheel tightly.

I closed my eyes as I remembered Doyoung crying after discovering that Haruto and Yuri are still together.

Suddenly, my phone rang and I immediately answered it when I realized that Doyoung is the one calling.

"Hyung, how did it go?" 

"It went according to our plans. That perfume really made him think that she's Yuri. We just need to wait for the pictures." I uttered as I drove my car away from Haruto's house.

"I'm sorry for making you do this hyung..." I smiled weakly as I told him that it's alright. I then told him that I'm driving so I need to end the call. 

This is all for Doyoung. 


Hello everyone! I'm back with a kind of messy update here. 

I didn't update because I had to focus on my school works for a while and I also felt kind of sick these past few days because of my period (I don't know if it's just me but my body always feels so heavy when I have my period).

Anyways, I'll try to update again soon!

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now