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Yuri's POV

"Ah! That's right! I should ask him the address of this house so I can send it to mom." I sighed at my forgetfulness as I opened the door to my room. 

As I walked towards the kitchen, I expected to hear some cooking-related noises but there weren't any. Are they already done? That can't be. I just left like a few minutes ago...

"How are you feeling?" Asahi's voice made me freeze in my tracks and instinctively hide behind the wall. I placed my hand over my chest because my heart started to beat faster.

"About this? It doesn't really hur-"

"Not about that one, Haruto. About your child. You don't have to pretend that you're strong all of the time." 

Not even 5 seconds passed but I can already hear sniffs and as I felt that my tears are also about to fall, I made my way back to my bedroom without causing any noise. I closed the door as softly as I can and sat down at the edge of the bed.

That's right Haruto... was always comforting me... I was too stupid... I should've comforted him too! He also lost his child...

The sound of a door closing made me flinch and I immediately knew that it was the four of them. I wiped my tears and peeked outside my room only to see Mashiho about to enter a room.

"Mashiho have you seen... Haruto? Did he go back to his room?" I tried my best to act normal but he showed me a smile.

"You were listening to us, right?" I bit my lower lip as I nodded to him. Mashiho patted my shoulders and told me that he's on the balcony. I whispered thank you and he just nodded before going inside the room.

I immediately saw Haruto and his hands are resting on the railings of the balcony. Just when I was about to reach the space behind him, he turned around and my eyes watered because tears are streaming down his cheeks.

"Sorry I... Wh-why are you still up?" Haruto stuttered as he wiped his tears, making me grab his hand but then, he suddenly pulled me into a hug. A few seconds passed but no one dared to talk. 

I felt my shoulders getting wet and I knew that it's because he's crying. A small smile crept on my lips as the tears that I've been trying to stop finally fell.

I wrapped my hand tightly around his waist and caressed the back of his head as I heard his soft sobs. 

"Haruto... I know you just wanted to make sure that I'll have a shoulder to lean on to but... you can also cry... you can also cry in front of me..." I pulled out of the hug and reached for his cheeks.

"Yuri..." He patted my head and planted a kiss on my forehead out of nowhere. He then pulled me back into a hug again and raised me up to make me sit on the railing.

"Ya, Haruto!" A smile on his face eased my nervousness, making me focus on his eyes instead.

"I really don't know what I would do if you were to be out of my reach again." He tucked my stray hair behind my ears, cupping my cheeks right after.

Suddenly, his face slowly started to approach mine and all I was able to do is close my eyes and felt his lips touch mine. As I slowly opened my eyes again, I realized that I'm already off the railings.

"You should sleep now." Haruto whispered as he walked towards my bedroom, making me follow him because he's holding my hands.

"Go on." I nodded at his statement and opened the door but to my surprise, Mashiho is lying on my bed.

"Ah... are you... going to sleep now? Sorry... It's... just that... the three of us can't... fit on the bed so..." Mashiho mumbled as he sat, lying down again right after.

So am I...

Haruto's POV

Didn't know that they could somehow be useful. 

"Just sleep in my room. There's a sofa there so I can just sleep there tonig-"

"No i-it's alright. Let's just sleep on the bed together." Yuri hurriedly walked ahead of me and I knew that she was just trying to hide her red cheeks.

Yuri is standing in front of my door, waiting for me to open it. When it was finally open, she's not walking inside which made me look at her face.

"Why aren't you going in?" She blinked repeatedly and I stifled my laughter because of her tomato-like cheeks.

"It's your room so you should go ahe-" Knowing that I'll get a lot of denials from her, I picked her up and carried her towards the bed. She's resisted for a few seconds but eventually, Yuri just buried her cheeks on my chest.

I laid her down on the right side of the bed and she eventually turned around, her back facing me. Her body is obviously stiff and I can almost hear her whispering 'Sleep Yuri' repeatedly as I laid down on the space beside her.

"You know, we stayed here when I was about 8 years old and I saw a shadow on that window waving at m-" 

"What?!" She exclaimed and immediately turned around and I took that chance to pull her closer to me and bury her face into my chest.

"Sleep well, Yuri."


This part is just full of soft Ruto ^_^

Anyways, how are you guys? I hope all of you are doing well and always remember to devote time to doing things you love!

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now