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Doyoung's POV

"Don't contact me again." A giggle made me return my gaze to the girl behind me, who was smiling as if I had just told a really amusing joke. To tease me, she slid her fingers down my crotch and blew on my ears.

"Can you just stop, Mira? I was just feeling alone that time and a bit intoxicated. Yuri and I are fine now so you better stay away from me." I gripped her wrist and pushed her away from me.

"Then is that second and third time also a mistake? You're in the right mindset that time, Doyoung." She smirked, making me glare at her.

"I don't think you can ever have a happy ending with that girl named Yuri." My eyebrows furrowed at her statement. What does she mean?

"I think it should be out by now. You might want to check it out yourself!" She walked away, laughing, and even waving me goodbye. 

"That weird woman." I uttered to myself as I entered my car thinking that Yuri should be asleep by now. Before starting the car, I checked my phone only to see 10 missed calls from Yuri.

Could there be... something wrong?!

I hurriedly started the car as I dialed Yuri's number but to no avail. I bit my lower lip as I sped up the car, thinking about what could've happened to her.

What if... Haruto tried to take her away?! Shit. I can't let him!

Yuri is mine.

Haruto's POV

"I'm sorry Yuri but... your baby is gone..." My eyes immediately shifted to Yuri, who's just sitting but you can see the shock in her eyes. Tears then started to fall from her eyes and all I can do is hug her tightly as my eyes got blurry with tears.

"No... NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! NO!" Yuri pushed me away and jumped off her bed. I tried to catch her as she went out of the room and to my surprise, I saw Doyoung.

Yuri walked towards him and suddenly slapped his cheeks, pulling on his collar right after.

"Why... weren't you there?! Tell me! Haruto! Haruto was there so you lied about practice right?! Then why?! Don't tell me that..." Yuri took a step back, and I followed behind her in case she passed out from exhaustion.

People started to look at us and I already knew that there's already no use in trying to hide everything. 

"You didn't... to this to me, right?" Doyoung's face shows confusion, not knowing what Yuri is talking about. I grabbed his collar and punched him in his face, making him yell at me.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" He pushed me aside and walked towards Yuri, placing his arm over her shoulders.

"Tell me what happened, Yu-"

"I lost my child!" Yuri shouted and all that Doyoung did was whisper 'What?' at her. I pulled her away from Yuri and looked straight at his eyes. Yuri suddenly ran off and Doyoung was even about to follow her but I stopped him.

"You'll be the last one she would like to see. Not until you can prove to her that you've done nothing." 

"I didn't do anything! Why would I even try?!"

"Because you're not the dad." I grabbed his collar, about to punch him but I was too concerned about Yuri. I removed my grip on his collar and pushed him away.

"You better not have a part on what happened to her." I ran after Yuri and saw her crossing the roads. I followed right after her but a car almost hit her so I pushed her with my body and we both landed on the other side.

"Yuri... are you alright?" Yuri's eyes were so red and her breathing is ragged. I wrapped her in my embrace after making sure that she didn't receive any injuries.

"Haruto I did it again! I killed my child... our child..." She shouted and I shushed her, holding her face with both of my hands.

"No, Yuri. It's not your fault." I can feel her cold hands as she held mine, still apologizing to me but she eventually lost consciousness because of exhaustion.

Suddenly, I saw what looks like a van from different TV stations. I immediately picked her up and ran towards the parking lot of the hospital to hide between cars.

"Hurry, find Kim Doyoung! This is going to be a piece of big news!" A lot of media staff entered the hospital but a familiar voice caught my attention.

"Mira did what?! That girl leaked everything?! Bullshit!" I went out of my hiding spot and saw Doyoung who's looking frustrated.

"Mira? The actress? Don't tell me that you... cheated on Yuri?!" 

"Shut up! She also did! We both committed mistakes so she doesn't have a right to complain." He then tried to take Yuri away from me but I didn't let him do it.

"No. You're not taking her away. I'm her friend right now and I know that she doesn't want to go with you too. I won't let you take her away from me again not until she tells me she wants to."

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now