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Yuri's POV

It's only been two days since my encounter with Doyoung. I've been feeling nervous and I want to make sure he's eating properly but I... still remember everything painful when I see him.

"I can't go, Hiro. I don't want to leave her alone. Just tell Ryou that I told him Happy birthday." 

I walked towards the kitchen and saw Haruto drinking some water. When he saw me, he placed the glass of water on the table and asked if I need anything.

"Nothing. I heard you talking to someone. You can leave me here, Haruto." He shook his head and opened the refrigerator, taking out a pitcher of water.

"It's fine. Besides, we're going to watch a movie right?" I shook my head and sat at one of the chairs.

"Just go. It makes me feel like I'm a nuisance to you when you do things like that. I can take care of myself."

"I insist. What if Doyoung discovers this pla-"

"You know what, I'll just come with you." I stood up and walked towards the room I'm staying in and Haruto followed me.

"You don't have to force yourself, Yuri. It's just a party. I can just attend his birthday next ye-"

"I want to go." Haruto stopped talking when I looked at him. Well, I do want to go because maybe, drinking a little bit will make me feel better.

"Go get dressed." He looked hesitant so I pushed him out of the room and closed my door. 


"Haruto!!!" A guy who's smiling widely tapped Haruto's holder then hugged him. The guy's eyes shifted at me and I slowly realized that he's Ryou, the son of one of our investors.

"Ruto, why are you with her?!" He exclaimed and I felt nervous. Haruto told me to wait for him and walked somewhere with Ryou.

I then walked towards the counter and sat in front of the bartender. I asked for a glass of Vodka. Maybe it's because I haven't drunk for a while but the alcohol tastes so smooth.

Guess I'll just continue to drink while waiting for Haruto.

Haruto's POV

I looked at my watch with heavy eyes and stared at it in disbelief because it's already been two hours since we arrived here. I stood up, not being able to stand up straight because Hiro and Ryou made me drink a lot.

"Ya, Hiro. Isn't this the girl with Haruto?" Sarah who's carrying a girl, asked as she took small steps towards us. My eyes widened when I realized that its Yuri. 

"Shit... she's drunk. We'll go home now." I walked towards them but because of the alcohol, I started to wobble.

"You're definitely not gonna drive. I'll drive you home." Ryou told me as he helped me walk properly.

"Sarah, you follow us in another car so I'll get a drive back here." We walked out of the bar and Hiro made me sit in the backseat. Ryou helped Sarah place Yuri on the space beside me.

Yuri's head fell on my lap and Sarah closed the door. I fixed Yuri's position and made sure she's comfortable. I gave Ryou my key and he started to drive.

"I hope you know the possible consequences of what you're doing."Ryou suddenly talked, making me look at him.

"She's mine from the very start." Maybe it's the alcohol that's why I'm speaking how I really feel.

"I've already seen her with Doyoung, Haruto. I'm telling you this because I'm concerned about you. She's in love with him." My heart filled with anger as Ryou uttered those words.

"Just drive." He didn't bother to talk further and just sighed. After a few minutes, we arrived at my house, and I tried to carry Yuri by myself but I almost lost my balance so Ryou stepped in.

"Just let me carry her." I opened the door and Ryou carried her towards her bedroom. I thanked him for bringing us home and apologized for getting mad at him earlier.

"It's alright. Just... be careful with Doyoung." I nodded at him and closed the door then walked towards Yuri's bedroom.

I was just fixing her blanket but she suddenly pulled my arm, making me lay down beside her. My eyes widened as she started to kiss me. This isn't right but I... can't stop myself.

I synched the movement of my lips with hers and pinned her hand on top of the pillow.

I just can't... stop myself.

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now