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Doyoung's POV

*around 8 years ago*

"Kim Doyoung! How can you be so stupid?! I've already placed you in the most expensive cram school yet you give me these failing grades?! This is just stupid!"

My father threw my report card on the ground and stomped on it. I can only look down as I was too afraid to look straight into his eyes.

"Dad ac-actually I'm a candidate for being the socc-"

"That soccer again?! If you're going to do something else than being a doctor then go and be an idol trainee! It would be easier to manipulate the people in that industry."

He left the library and all that I can do is sit on the couch as my teammate in soccer called. I haven't achieved anything I truly like. My parents always decided things for me.

But at least, there is one thing that they haven't planned for me and that's marriage.

Suddenly, I heard the door creaking so I wiped my tears and turned only to see my brother standing by the door.

"Dad says to get ready for the masquerade party. Better dress into your nicest suit because the family of the girl you've been telling me about is going to attend the party." I just nodded at him and excitedly made my way towards my bedroom.

If there's at least one thing I want that I can actually achieve, I wish it could just be her.

*present day*

Yuri's POV

When I opened my eyes, I was expecting to be in an unfamiliar place but no. I'm here at Doyoung's place. Did he hire those guys just to take me back here in Korea?

"You're awake?" I flinched when I heard Doyoung's voice. I looked by the door and saw him walking towards me.

"You didn't have to hire those persons. I was just about to make my way here anyway."

"Really? To go back to my side?" Doyoung placed a tray with food on the bedside table but I was in no mood to eat anything.

"No, Doyoung. I wanted to say goodbye. Let's just end this. Us." I can't describe his expression but I can at least say that he's obviously not happy. It was dead silent for a while not until he started to speak again.

"You were the only one I wanted that I actually achieved." My eyebrows furrowed at his statement. What does he mean?

"Everything was already predetermined by my parents and you... You're the only one that I really wanted." Just what is he talking about?

"That's why when I met you at that damned masquerade party, I promised to myself that you'll be the one I'll marry. That you're the only one I will love! Yuri you... you loved me too, right?!"

"Doyoung stop! I didn't love you! I only felt that I needed to because I wanted to make Dohyun feel what a family feels like!"

"That's a lie! You loved me too! You even made love with me! I KNOW YOU LOVED ME TOO!" Doyoung grabbed both of my arms and gripped them so tightly making me cry out in pain.

"You do know that you just forced me into doing that thing right?! You continued to pester me into doing that thing even when I disagreed a lot of ti-" A yelp escaped my mouth as his grip became tighter.

"Doyoung you're hurting me! Just please stop!" He ignored my words and even pinned me on the bed. I can already feel his nails puncturing my skin.

"That's all bullshit. You already fell in love with me and it would be easy to do it again. This is all Haruto's fault!" I tried to push him away but Doyoung was just too strong.

"Just what do I have to do to take the old us back? Bring you far away here?! Somewhere Haruto would never find us?!"

"Just accept the fact that I have never loved you, Doyoung! It was all for Dohyun!" Suddenly, Doyoung's grip started to loosen so I took that chance to push him away from me.

I managed to escape from him and slowly walk towards the door but he's still staring at me. Suddenly, he got off the bed and walked towards me with a scary look in his eyes.

"Then just have my child again. That way you'll feel obligated to love me, right?" My back laid flatly on the wall andy eyes started to water as he got nearer me.

"Doyoung please..." He then grabbed both of my wrists and pinned me on the wall, slowly making his face nearer to mine.

As I tried to struggle, I was mumbling Haruto's name because I was too scared but it only made him madder. He picked me up and laid me harshly on the bed.


𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now