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-after 6 months-

Yuri's POV

Falling in love with him felt like I'm losing my freedom but...

"If  you don't make me stop then I won't." 

"Shit." I mumbled to my self and when I realized that the person sitting next to me glanced at my side, I apologized.

I'm thinking about him again. Stop, Yuri. You should be mad at him.

After about thirty minutes, the plane finally landed and it took me ten minutes to finally get out of the airport. My driver who I immediately saw outside the airport, directed me towards the car.

"Is mom home?" The driver nodded, making me sigh. I then looked at the article on my phone which is the reason why I didn't want to come back here.

"Take me here." I showed an address to my driver and he didn't look amused at first but when I told him that I'll jump off the car instead, he eventually said yes.

As if I'll really jump off the car. It's just effective because he's a new driver and I bet he's thinking that I would really do it because he heard rumors that I always go against my mom.

"We're here, Ma'am."

"Please just call me Yuri, Mr. Kim. Anyways, go ahead. I'll just take a bus home." I smiled at him before going off the car. I looked at the house in front of me and smiled.

"Excuse me, who are you?" A girl who seemed about my age stood in front of me.

"Why do you care?" The girl furrowed her eyebrows at me, so I did the same thing.

"Why are you looking at Haruto oppa's house while smiling so weirdly?!" 

"Wha- weirdly?! I don't look weird! Besides, you're the weird one! Why are you here in front of his house?!" I glared at her and she looked really mad. She suddenly removed the hood of my hoodie, making me flinch.

"Hu-huh? I thought you're the one rumored to be dating Haruto..." I rolled my eyes at her, walking away from Haruto's house. 

That's right. Haruto got a dating rumor just when they're about to debut. I would gladly understand if it was me but it's her old classmate from Japan!

I was just so jealous about it that I wanted to get mad at him but I can't. 

When I left Korea six months ago, I always thought about him unconsciously. I'd call out for his name forgetting the fact that I'm not in Korea.

I hated the fact that I'm starting to have feelings for him at first because It'd seem like my mom's finally getting what she wants but I... just fell deeper in love with him.

I walked towards the nearest convenience store to buy some ice cream in order to calm myself down. I'm still agitated by that girl I met earlier!

"Ya Haruto! Buy me this one." 

"Buy your own or ask Jaehyuk hyung to buy you one." 

My eyes widened when I realized that Haruto is here with the other members. I immediately hid at the drinks section since they're at the snacks section which is quite far from the refrigerators.

"Huh? Is that you Yu-" When I saw Asahi and Jaehyuk, I covered both of their mouths and silently pulled them out of the convenience store.

When we are now far from the store, I removed my hands that is covering their mouth and they gasped for air.

"Don't tell him I'm here. He wants to go to the amusement part with me and that's obviously not a good idea since he have dating rumor." Asahi nodded while Jaehyuk is stil staring at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Why are you back here in Korea?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Because I live here? I'm Korean?" He sighed while rolling his eyebrows which made me snigger.

"My mom told me to go back here."

"Could it be because of your Marriage with Haruto?" Asahi asked me and I shook my head, knowing that Haruto's parents already asked my mom to move it on a later date.

"I doubt it. I think it's because of my dad. Seems like dialysis isn't cutting it out for him." Their faces started to show pity which made me frown. 

"Don't show me that faces! He's not going to die!" The two of them was shocked when I shouted. 

"Ri-right. Sorry." Jaehyuk mumbled and I gave them a weak smile.

"Go back to the store. They're probably looking for you. Just don't tell Haruto that yo-"

Suddenly, I got pulled by someone and my face is buried into that someone's chest. Hearing the fast paced heartbeat, I can already tell that it's Haruto.

He pulled out of the hug and pinched my cheeks, making me flinch.

"I missed you so much, Yuri."

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now