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Yuri's POV

"Here eat some more." Haruto placed a pancake with butter and honey on my plate, cutting it into pieces right after.

I thanked him, took a piece of pancake with my fork but just when I was about to eat it, Mashiho said something that made my heart race because of nervousness.

"There's an article saying Doyoung just arrived at Korea and... he went straight to a law firm." A law firm? What would he possibly do at that place...? Is he going to file a divorce?

Suddenly, my phone started to ring, making me place the fork on my plate. When I saw that it's Doyoung, I immediately grabbed it so I can hide it from Haruto.

"I-It's mom. Just a second, I'll answer it." Haruto nodded at me and I went upstairs before answering the call.

"Yuri..." Doyoung's voice sounded hoarse which indicates that he cried for a long time. I felt extreme pain in my chest as he started to sob.

"I'm really sorry I-I'll do everything to make you forget about every wrong thing I did so please... come back to me..." I bit my lower lip as I felt my eyes watering. It didn't take long for my tears to fall.

"Doyoung it's not just about that... I just... don't love you." The other side seemed silent and it went on for a good 30 seconds but I soon heard something like a glass shattering.

"Bullshit. That's bullshit! You loved me! That's what I felt! Everything was fine!" My ears started to hurt when Doyoung shouted. My heart felt like it's about to jump off my chest as I heard the consecutive shattering of glass.

"It's Haruto's fault, right?! I'll never forgive him. I will release articles saying that he's forcing you to stay with him because he's madly in love with you. I'll get rid of him for you."

"Doyoung no! He didn't force me! I went with him according to my own will and I'm staying with him because I love him!"

"You don't love him! You're just feeling obligated to stay with him because of that damned miscarriage!"

I wasn't able to say anything not because I agree with him but because of his choice of words. He kept on talking about how I'm getting confused and kept on trying to brainwash me but I already knew the truth, which is Haruto is the one I love.

"Just come back to Korea and we'll go somewhere far away." That was the last line that I heard from him before he ended the call.

I was just staring into space, until I heard knocking on the door, followed by Haruto asking if there's something wrong because I'm taking too long. I immediately wiped my tears and opened the door then hugged him tightly.

"What's wrong, did something happen? What did your mom tell you?" I drew out of the hug and gave him a smile.

"It's nothing. I just missed mom and started crying when I heard her voice. Let's go back." I started to walk but he pulled me into a hug.

"Everything will be alright. I'm sure we'll be able to go home soon." He uttered while caressing the back of my head.

"I do hope so... Haruto."

*the next day*

It's for Haruto. I can do this.

I took a deep breath as I slowly raised Haruto's arm and scooted away from him while making sure that I'm not waking him up. I grabbed the bag that I hid in the closet and looked at Haruto before going out of the room.

It's 2:00 in the morning and luckily, everyone is already asleep so it's easy to sneak out. I'm going to go back to Korea but I didn't want to tell Haruto because he would've said no.

I need to end everything with Doyoung soon and I need to do it alone.

Just when I closed the front door of the house, I felt something cover my mouth and my eyes started to feel heavy. I tried to free myself but the man holding me was too strong.

The man brought me inside the car and I saw another man in the driver's seat and his face is covered with a cloth. I bit my lower lip so hard that I tasted blood and it was an attempt to stay awake but it was futile.

The two of them were not in any way familiar. Their voice and the built of their body were not of someone I already met before.

"Go on, drive! To the airport!" The man who's holding me shouted and I tried to remove his hand with a handkerchief, which is covering my nose and mouth. However, my eyes felt too heavy and I was too weak to struggle.

Just what... is happening?

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now