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Yuri's POV

I woke up, hearing some strange sound that seemed close. I then realized that I'm already in my room but I'm certain that I didn't remember arriving home yesterday. 

Feeling a soft blow of air on my hand, my eyes shifted behind me and there I saw, Haruto. He's sleeping while holding my hand. 

Totally absorbed by his facial features, my hand unconsciously moved towards his cheeks. As if I wanted to check if he's even real.

When his eyes started to move, I pulled  my hand back and pretended that I'm looking somewhere else.

"Oh... you're already awake." His raspy, deep voice sent shivers through my whole body.

"Wh-why am I here? And you, why are you here in my room?" I asked him as I looked straight into his eyes.

"You fainted yesterday after talking to Yedam hyung." Haruto also looked straight into my eyes, which made my heart flutter.

His bed hair... is so cute. 

"I wanted to make sure you're okay so I stayed the night." My eyes widened at his statement and his smirk just made my humiliation worse.

I always snore when I'm asleep! 

"It's okay, your snore was cute." I can feel my face heating up as he brought out his phone and showed me a video of me, sleeping.

"Haruto! Delete that!" I almost cried as I tried to grab his phone from him. He ran around my room, avoiding my attempts.

"Why should I? You were so cute! Just like snorlax!" I puffed out my cheeks at his statement. I tried to grab his phone again but he raised it so high and because of our height difference, I jumped just to reach it.

"Haruto! Just let me delete it!" I shouted as I continuously jumped just to reach it, not even noticing that we're already so close together.

"Try to jump higher~" Haruto teased me and he laughed. 

Getting annoyed by our height difference, I tried my best to jump higher but since I'm wearing a sock, I slipped when my feet landed on the ground, which made me lose balance.

Just when I'm about to fall, I felt Haruto's hand wrap around my waist however, I unconsciously pulled on his shirt, making him loose his balance.

A loud thud sounded as Haruto's body slammed on the floor. It didn't took me that long to realize that I'm laying on top of Haruto.

I pushed myself up by placing both of my arms on the floor beside Haruto but when our eyes met, he suddenly pulled my face towards his chest.

I was very sure that he can feel the fast beating of my heart and strangely... I can feel it too. 

The fast beating of his heart.

Is it because of the jumps he did as he prevented me from grabbing his phone? Because of running away from me earlier?

"I think I..." He trailed off, which just made my nervousness increase. Why am I so nervous?

"... already like you."

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now