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Yuri's POV

"I really like you, Yuri." I looked at Haruto's eyes, which just made my heart flutter. His eyes are so beautiful. He looks so kind too... he is kind but... I don't think I'm ready to open up my heart for someone else.

"Don't worry, I'm not expecting an answer. I know you're not yet ready." He placed his hand on my head and patted it. 

"I just wanted to make sure that you know that I like you." Haruto stood up and told me that Mashiho cooked dinner for us.

He reheated the food and served it on the table. As we ate, I noticed that Haruto isn't eating much. He's just picking on his food. 

"Haruto, you don't like the food?" He shook his head, saying he likes it but he's just not hungry. 

"Do you want to play video games with me later?" When he nodded excitedly, my lips curved into a smile. I saw a PlayStation in his room earlier but it seemed like he didn't get to play with it that much.

"Then let's play after we finish our food." Haruto began to eat faster and I stifled my laughter. He might look and sound mature at times but he's still young. Being a foreign trainee is tough. He even quit school just to train continuously. 


"Ah! Not fair!" I exclaimed when I lost again. We're playing street fighter and I thought it was easy but it's so hard!

Haruto's room was filled with his laughter and I eventually joined him. I've been losing to him ever since we started playing!

"I think you're still better than Mashiho." Haruto uttered as we started a match again. As the match went on, my eyes kept on looking away from the screen transferring to Haruto's direction.

He looks so happy and I just can't take my eyes away from him.

I was just pressing some random buttons, not really caring if I lose. I just wanted to cheer him up as my way of thanking him for taking care of me.

"Yuri, you won!" My eyes widened when our eyes met. I looked at the screen and the character I'm using to play against him indeed won.

I was really surprised that I screamed so loud. Next thing I knew, I already hugged Haruto and we're jumping together. Our eyes met and that's when I realized how close we are to each other. 

As I felt my heart beat faster, I released an awkward laugh.

"I'll go ahead! You need to sleep early because you'll train tomorrow, right?" I ran out of the room, not waiting for his reply. 

When I arrived at my room, I placed my hand over my chest, feeling the fast beating of my heart.

Is this alright?

Haruto's POV

"I'll go ahead! You need to sleep early because you'll train tomorrow, right?" Yuri ran out of my room before I could even tell her thatwe can still play a few more rounds.

After I turned off the console, I laid on my bed and Yuri's flustered face flashed on my mind making me smile.

I was about to close my eyes but then my phone rang and when I looked at it, I saw that Yedam hyung is the one calling. I took a deep breathe before answering the call.

"I'll be taking Yuri tomorrow. I found an apartment for he-"

I let out a laugh which stopped Yedam hyung from talking. He then asked why I'm laughing and it's very obvious in his tone that he is irritated.

"Why don't you ask Rina to go live  there?" The line went quite for a while and I was smirking. He's probably shocked hearing it from me.

"Let's meet up at the company." 


I arrived at the practice room and since Yedam is still not here, I played the music that I'm going to dance into for the next monthly evaluation. Just when I was about to reach the chorus, the song stopped and I saw Yedam hyung.

He hurriedly walked towards me, grabbing the collar of my shirt as soon as he reached me. 

"I don't know how you knew about Rina but don't you dare tell Yuri about her." A smirk formed on my lips which made him furrow his eyebrows. 

Grabbing his hand, I removed his grip on my collar and punched him in the face, making him fall on the floor. 

"Why?! So you can continue hurting her?! I'm not that stupid." I walked towards the door but he suddenly grabbed my arm and he managed to land a punch on my face. I then felt something on my chin and realized that my lips got busted.

"She still loves me!"

I wiped the blood on my lips and showed him a smile.

"Well... I'll just have to make her fall in love with me, right?" He was about to grab my collar again but I grabbed his collar first and looked straight into his eyes.

"Yuri doesn't deserve a jerk like you. Leave her alone."


Hello guys, I'm back! 

I'm still quite busy but I managed to write this one quickly before going to bed. I'll try to update more often! 

Thank you for waiting! ^_^

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now