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Yuri's POV

"Yuri, stop frowning. They'll arrive soon." I glared at my mom but smiled widely when she pinched my thigh.

"You little rascal! I already told you that they're an important client! Besides, you can always attend another concert!"

"But mom! You already bought me a ticket!"

"I'll just buy you another one!"

I just pouted and sent a message to my boyfriend saying that he should go ahead and I'll figure out a way to escape. I suddenly noticed that my mom is wearing extravagant clothes.

"I mean who's your client that you're looking so extra tonight, Mom?" I heard my dad stifled a laugh as Mom glared at him.

"I'm sorry! Something came up." A woman sat at our table and a man followed her.

"It's fine! We didn't wait that long." I sneered at my mom's statement knowing that we've been waiting for almost an hour.

"Haruto! Here!" My eyes wandered to the direction she's waving and saw a boy about my age. He's not that bad, but my bias looks better.

My mom patted my legs when she saw me frowning. I tried to smile as he sat down. He glanced at me and I smiled at him.

"What a-" I felt a pinch on my arm making me stop talking. That guy! The nerve! I smiled at him and he didn't even bother to smile back at me?!

"Your daughter is so pretty!" His mom told me and I just smiled, still bothered by his actions.

"Mom, what time will we go home?" His mother glared at him and laughed awkwardly.

"I'm really sorry! He's very studious and he told me that he have a test tomorrow that's why he wants to go home ear-"

"It's not like that mom, my friend have a concert and I want to be there to support him."

"Who? Seunghun and Byounggon?"


My eyes widened and I think that my mom noticed it.

"Byounggon isn't that a member of your favourite group? The one that have a concert today?"

I nodded at my mom and her eyes suddenly sparkled.

"Yuri, Why don't you attend the concert together?!" My mom suddenly suggested which made me gasp.

"Mom! Are you seri-"

"It's fine by me, Ma'am." He answered my mom politely and stood up to bow.

"Then we'll go ahead." He told us and he suddenly grabbed my hands. He pulled me and removed his grip on my hands when we got outside.

"I'm Haruto. I'll make this short. I'm going to go with my girlfriend today. Yes, I have a girlfriend."

"I don't care! I also have a boyfriend and he's waiting for me!" I sneered at him.

"Look at you bluffi-"

"Haruto?" I saw my boyfriend waving at us and I immediately walked towards him. He looks shocked which made me confused.



I know that my face looks ugly right now but I'm just so clueless at what's happening. They know each other?

"Ye-Yedam hyung? He's your boyfriend?!" Haruto asked me while pointing at Yedam.


"Hyung! What if the company knows abo-" Yedam suddenly covered his mouth. Yedam suddenly pulled him away from me and told me to wait for him.

I can still see them but I can't hear them. What could they be talking about?

Haruto's POV

"I overheard your conversation with Yuri. I won't tell the company that you have a girlfriend so please don't tell Yuri about me being a trainee."

My eyebrows furrowed at what Yedam hyung said. So Yuri doesn't know that he's a trainee?

"But why?" Yedam hyung sighed and looked at Yuri.

"She had a boyfriend and he's a trainee at JYP. He suddenly broke up with her and she was so devastated that she didn't want to date a trainee ever again."

Yedam hyung was staring at her like she's... the most precious person in the whole world and it made me feel nervous.

He never got mad at me and the other hyung always tell me that once Yedam hyung got mad, its the end.

I groaned  in frustration as I remembered what my mom told me.

"Be friends with her and maybe develop some feelings for her."

Were obviously going to be forced to marry each other.

I nodded at Yedam hyung and he thanked me. He left and walked towards Yuri.

I should try my best to stop our parent's plans.

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now