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Yuri's POV

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw is that it's already nighttime. I then felt a whiff of air, making my attention shift to the other side of the bed.

It's Haruto.

He's currently sleeping and I can see traces of dried tears on his cheeks. As I tried to caress his hair, he slowly opened his eyes and sat properly.

He hurriedly pulled me into a tight hug just when I was about to tell him that I missed him so much. I then realized that he started to cry and I figured out that others have already told him about what happened.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I didn't arrive on time... I should've been there with you and... nothing would've happened." I patted the back of his head and told him that it's not his fault.

"I left on my own and what happened is beyond your control, Haruto. Besides, what's important is that we're together again, right?" I drew out of the hug and wiped his tears with my thumbs.

The moonlight shone on his face, making his tears shine as they reflected the moonlight. I can't help but get lost in his eyes as tears continued to stream down his cheeks.

"Why is he here? Who let him inside?!"

Haruto and I looked at each other as we heard Yoshinori shouting. Haruto told me to wait here but I already have an idea about who it could be so I told him that I'm going with him.

"Yuri, it could be Doyoung! Aren't you scared? Just let me handle th-"

"Why would I be scared if you're right here by my side?" Haruto sighed and I just smiled at him. He opened the door and wrapped his hands on my waist before locking the door again.

"Haruto, Yuri... I mean he said he wanted to apologize so..." Jihoon uttered as I looked at Doyoung who's just beside him. He's holding what seems like an envelope.

"I apologize for everything I've done to you Yuri... and also to you, Haruto." He finally looked at me and Haruto. Doyoung placed the envelope above the coffee table and I saw a law firm's name printed on it.

"I still love you and I do want to take you away from Haruto but... I realized how much I've hurt you." I gave him a sincere smile and I felt Haruto pulling me even closer to him.

"I hope that you'll forgive me someday, Yuri... and Haruto." Doyoung bid goodbye and walked out of the house with Jihoon.

I grabbed the envelope and read the divorce papers. It's Divorce by mediation so I guess we wouldn't have to attend a trial.

"Yuri, can I take you somewhere?" Haruto asked as I placed the papers back on the envelope. I nodded at him but when I asked him where he just smiled at me and told me that it's a secret.

Honestly, this guy is too cute.

Haruto's POV

"Wait, we're almost there..." I whispered to Yuri's ears while making sure that I'm covering her eyes properly.

"I can feel... sand? Are we walking on sand?" Yuri mumbled nonstop and I just giggled at how cute she is.

When we finally arrived at the place, I took a deep breath and removed my hands that's covering her eyes.

"Here it is. I didn't have enough time to prepare it. I wanted to show you something that can lift your mood." I waited for an answer from Yuri but I didn't hear any so I made her face me and saw that she's crying.

"Ya, why are you crying!" I exclaimed as I wiped the tears on her face.

"I-It's just that I'm too happy and... this is beautiful..." A smile crept on my lips as I wrapped my arms around her waist, staring at the bonfire and the tent wrapped in fairy lights.

The other members helped me prepare this and to be honest, I didn't do it just to lift her mood but also because I was too impatient to do something.

"Well, actually Yuri... I..." Yuri looked in my direction and she's smiling widely. My heart started to beat faster because of nervousness.

Wait, what if she says I'm too early to be thinking about this? What if she says no?

"What is it, Haruto?" She waved her small hands in front of my face which made me realize that I'm staring into space.

"I... I don't know if I'm going too fast but Yuri I just... I love you much and I'm too scared that I'll lose you again someday so..." I can tell that Yuri is also surprised by my words but when I finally got down on one knee, she started crying.

"You're already my whole world and I don't how I'm going to live if you're not by my side, Yuri..." The nervousness I'm feeling decreased when she smiled as I brought out a small box and opened it.

"Will you accept me as the man who'll stay by your side forever?"

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now