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Haruto's POV

I watched Yuri as she walked away from me. My head started to throb in pain and my vision is now hazy. As I tried to run after her, my knees felt weak but I managed to hold her hands, which stopped her from walking.

"Don't leave me..." I whispered, not even having the strength to shout. Her face started to show worry when I almost lost my balance. She suddenly touched my forehead and started to panic.

"Haruto! You're burning up!" She made me place my arm over her shoulder and started to walk. I tried my best to walk as I didn't want to make her tired.

"You should've told me that you're sick... I would've asked you to meet up with me..." She trailed off as tears began to fall from her eyes. 

We finally arrived at my house but when she finally laid me down on my bed, she started to walk away making me grab her wrist.

"You're leaving me?" She showed me a smile and then shook her head. Yuri pinched my cheeks and then removed my grip on her wrist.

"I'm just going to get you water and medicine." She made her way out of the bedroom and I waited.

Two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes, she's still not here.

Despite the heaviness of my body, I tried to go out of my bedroom and walk down the stairs but there was no Yuri. Did she... leave me?

"I SAID NO! I'll go tomorrow! Just let me stay with him today. Haruto has a fever!" That's Yuri! She'll go tomorrow?

I walked towards the door but then, I heard another voice.

"You'll just make it harder for yourself!" Isn't that Yuri's mom? What is she doing here? What are they even talking about?  

"Mom, please! I'm already doing what you want so just let me do this one thing!" Yuri shouted and it became silent for a while. 

"Fine. Do what you want but you better leave when I tell you." After a few seconds, I heard a car start and after a few more seconds, I can't hear the car's engine anymore.

I walked upstairs and hid behind the wall, looking at Yuri who just opened the door, tears streaming down her face. When she closed the door, she leaned on it and slowly sat on the ground, covering her mouth.

She began to cry so hard, but it didn't sound so loud since she covered her mouth. Maybe she didn't want me to hear her knowing that I'll just get worried.

After about five minutes, she walked towards the kitchen while I just walked back to my bedroom and laid down my bed. 

She's suffering so much. I'm sure that she just wants to save her father's company but I... don't want her to do it. The idea of her marrying another man when I know that she loves me makes me feel so worthless.

Why can't I do anything for her?

Yuri's POV

I washed my face with water and wiped it with a tissue. As I looked in the mirror, I noticed that my eyes are red so I grabbed a towel and drenched it with cold water to use as a cold compress for my eyes.

After a few minutes, the reddening has lessened so I grabbed the tray of water with medicine and walked upstairs. When I went inside Haruto's bedroom, his eyes are closed so I thought that maybe, he's sleeping.

I didn't want to bother him so I sat in front of his gaming console as I remembered the day we played together. That was also the day I started to notice that he's becoming a special person in my eyes.

I don't know if it would be easy to forget about him but I just know that... I wouldn't be able to. 

Suddenly, I felt hand wrap around my waist and knowing that it's Haruto, a sad smile crept on my lips. He made me face him and he suddenly kissed me on my lips. 

"No matter how many years it would take..." He started to whisper right into my ears. 

"I'll be waiting for you, Yuri. You're the only person I will ever love. Remember that."

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now