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Yuri's POV

I felt an extreme headache as I opened my eyes. It took a while for my eyes to adjust but when it finally did, my heart started to beat so fast.

Haruto is laying beside me, with no... clothes on. 

I looked at myself and immediately knew what happened. I grabbed my clothes on the floor and dressed up. This is a big mistake. Shit.

"Yuri..." My eyes widened when he suddenly mumbled. He sat on the bed but luckily, I'm already done dressing up. When our eyes met, I started to run away and went outside of the house.

I... should stay away from him.

"Yuri! Yuri, please stop!" I looked behind me and saw him wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. I tried to run faster but suddenly, a car stopped right in front of me, making me stop.

"Yuri!" Doyoung went out of the car making me take a few steps backward. I looked behind me and saw That Haruto already caught up with me.

"Both of you, don't go near me! Leave me alone!" I shouted as they tried to grab my arms. I looked around and saw a taxi approaching us. I waved at the taxi and made sure that they won't follow me.

When the taxi finally went near me, I ran towards it and went inside. I didn't look at them, scared that Doyoung might notice and too embarrassed to look at Haruto.

I dialed a number on my phone and waited for her to answer. When she finally did, I immediately pleaded.

"Ally, please let me stay at your house."

*after a month*

"Oh, I think that's the pizza!" Ally excitedly exclaimed as she speed-walked towards the door. I went to the kitchen and grabbed two cans of soda for us.

"Yu-Yuri... someone is here..." Ally nervously uttered so I walked towards the entrance. I then saw Haruto and I bit my lower lip out of nervousness.

"Yuri, let's talk." I looked at Ally and smiled. I placed the cans of soda on the countertop and walked outside. 

Haruto brought me to the park and it was silent for a while.

"Haruto, about what happened to u-"

"Here, drink some water." He cut me off and gave me a bottle of water as he sat beside me. The bottle is slightly opened so I just took the lid off and drank some.

"I'm sorry I... shouldn't have taken advantage of you." I shook my head and told him that no one's at fault because we're both drunk at that time. 

"It's my fault from the very start... I shouldn't have come with you the night I ran off." I'm still too embarrassed to look at him because of what happened between us.

"I'm sorry... I got you caught up in our problem." Haruto held my hand and shook his head, saying that it's absolutely alright. He looked straight into my eyes, making my heart beat faster.

He still looks at me the same way he does 5 years ago.

"Haruto I... I'm just telling you this just in case... I..." I trailed off as he suddenly gripped my hands softly. 

I can sense nervousness in him maybe because he might already have an idea of what I'm talking about. As I felt the warmness of his hands, I started to feel fear. 

"I love Doyoung... I'm mad at him but I can't leave him."

"Yuri, what he did is too much! He lied to you!"

"I know! I know that but... two years... it was a long time and feelings can change. I'm sorry Haruto." I removed his grip on my hand and stood up but suddenly, my head started to hurt making me sit back on the bench.

"Yuri, what's wrong?!" My eyes are closed tightly because of the pain I'm feeling. It's not just that... I feel nauseous... 

As I felt the urge to vomit, I pushed Haruto away from me and walked towards the garbage can. Haruto followed me and held my hair back. 

I repeatedly gagged but nothing came out of my mouth. After a few seconds, I finally stopped but my knees were too weak. Haruto noticed it and helped me walk back to the bench.

Nausea and... headache? It can't be... because of that mistake, right?

𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚐𝚎 | Treasure HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now